12.1.4 The Cave

The Cave is more than a mystical place; it is connected with the gods and the
underrealm both. 

It is the place where those who have embraced death and stood before Ugrach, the 
Commander of Death, find themselves when they are returned to their mortal

None may linger in the Cave, for to do so is to profane the divine power that has granted a second chance.

While none may enter the Cave without their spirit being moved there by Ugrach, 
many find themselves, at one time or another, Outside the Cave. This place, 
located in the Western Ithmia forest, is a common meeting place and it would be to your advantage to get to know your way around its environs as soon as possible.

Because those who adventure upon the continent Meropis have travelled a great 
distance from the Cave, the Finality makes provision for their spirits by moving their mortal bodies to the Grotto when he returns them to life. Equal in power to the Cave, this sacred place lies within the Daoric Plains.