18.2.3 Reminders
The reminder system exists to allow adventurers to set an in-game reminder on a certain date. REMINDER LIST - List all reminders. REMINDER SET <day> <monthname> <year> [REPEATING] <reminder> - Set a new reminder. Specifying REPEATING will have the reminder fire on that day and month every year. REMINDER IN <delay> DAYS|MONTHS [REPEATING] <reminder> - Set a repeating reminder to fire after a delay. REMINDER SHOW <id> - Show the details of a specific reminder. REMINDER DELETE <id> - Remove a reminder from the system. The message will be shown shortly after the day changes if you're online at the time, or sent via a message if you're not in the realms. Each person may have up to 10 reminders set at any one time. REMINDER EXPAND - Add another slot to your reminders list. - Costs 50 lessons.