There are currently two types of pocketbelts in the realms. One is modified for the carrying of vials. Which type of pocketbelt you have should be apparent when examining the item in question. Standard Pocketbelts -------------------- Using pocketbelts, you may store a variety of plants and commodities in a safe and orderly manner. A pocketbelt may hold 6 types of items, and a maximum of 250 of each of those types. To use a pocketbelt, first purchase one (or more) and then use the following: INB [<amount>|ALL] <item> This will find a pocket containing the given type of item (or an empty one if there is none) and place them in the pocket for safe-keeping. If no amount is specified, it will use the first item found (if a grouping item, then the entire group). OUTB [<amount>|ALL] <item> This will take a number of the items out of a pocket of one of your pocketbelts (only if you've put some there to begin with). If no amount is specified, the default is take out only a single item. Also of note is that pocketbelts do not work exactly like the rift does. With a rift you can do for instance outr all ink. With a pocketbelt you must OUTB exactly what the item is. Doing OUTB INK will not work, instead use OUTB RED INK. BELTLIST -or- BL Take a quick inventory of all your currently held pocketbelts. You can also specify precisely which belt you would like to use by doing: INB [<amount>|ALL] <item> INTO <pocketbelt> -or- OUTB [<amount>|ALL] <item> FROM <pocketbelt> It should be noted that pocketbelts do decay with time along with all their contents. See HELP RIFT for a better storage option. Modified Pocketbelts -------------------- Sold by Tinker Drucker, these pocketbelts have been modified to allow the wearer to carry vials and pocketflasks, while still keeping them close at hand. You may freely SIP from a modified pocketbelt's contents, and interact with it as you would with any other container. Unlike standard pocketbelts, the contents of the modified pocketbelt do not decay with the belt, instead returning to your inventory.