Once studied in ancient times by predecessors to the modern Occultists, the
skill of Occultism is gained through the study of the Mysteries of the nature
of the universe itself. This knowledge, which encompasses manipulating auras,
bending of time and reality, and mastering the powers of karma, were all lost
ages ago during what the Occultists termed the "Burning Times" when the Church
successfully launched a crusade against the then-scattered individuals practicing
Occultism. The survivors banded together, but it was too late to save the
knowledge of Occultism. The early practitioners turned to the dark art of
Necromancy and entered into a long period of gaining their powers through death
magic. That is until the modern age, when Occultism was re-discovered and
perfected. Led by Shakti, Silverstorm and Saruman, the Occultists gathered and
began a ritual which created an anchor to a ritual began in the distant past,
thus bridging the two times and completing a Great Occult Working that allowed
the return of Occultism. Since then, Occultists have turned their backs on
Necromancy and again study the older science of Occultism.