(See also: HELP HOUSING, HELP HOUSING SUMMARY, HELP HOUSING UPGRADES, HELP SUBDIVISIONS) Already built your subdivision mansion but tired of having to walk halfway across the subdivision to get to it? Using a housing relocation permit available from the Delos Property office, you can relocate your subdivision house from one plot to another, provided you own both plots. How do I get a relocation permit? --------------------------------- Simple. Head on over to the Delos Property office and, for 50 bound credits, BUY RELOCATION. You can see on STAT if you currently have a relocation permit or not. What do I do with it now? ------------------------- Head to the plot outside your subdivision house and RELOCATE FROM HERE. Doing so will set the source location on your permit and advise you of how many bound credits it will cost to move your house. Once the source location is set, you will need to head to the new plot where you would like your house moved to (the plot must have no existing residence already) and RELOCATE TO HERE. Doing this will tell you the price for the move and ask for you to RELOCATE TO HERE CONFIRM to confirm that you do wish to move your house to this new location. What does it cost? ------------------ Permit - 50 bcr Relocation - 100 bcr Additional costs: Different sub - 100 bcr Artefact bed - 100 bcr e.g. Sub house in Cyrene with an artifact bed moving to Hashan will cost 300 bcr (100 move + 100 diff sub + 100 arte bed) Can I change my mind? --------------------- Whilst you can't return your permit, it won't expire and will remain, waiting for you to use it. If you've set the source location and have changed your mind, you can use RELOCATE CANCEL to clear the source location from the permit so that you can select a new source. I forgot where I set the source to, what can I do? -------------------------------------------------- You can simply use RELOCATE STATUS to see whether your permit currently has a source set and, if it does, how much it will cost to move the house. Commands Summary ---------------- BUY RELOCATION - Buy a relocation permit at the Delos Property Office RELOCATE FROM HERE - Set the relocation source room RELOCATE TO HERE - Relocate your house to this destination room RELOCATE CANCEL - Clear the relocation source on your permit RELOCATE STATUS - Check the status of your relocation permit (See also: HELP HOUSING, HELP HOUSING SUMMARY, HELP HOUSING UPGRADES, HELP SUBDIVISIONS)