Achaea Help Files
Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.
...(For the Priestly skill: HELP HEALING) (For Achaea's in-built HEALING system: HELP CURINGSYSTEM) HEALING in Achaea may be accomplished in a number of...
» heal
...f the Phoenix that will never be reborn, the priests of Light and Fire cast off the skill of HEALING and took up Zeal, imbuing their holy words with ...
» zeal (increasing your skills) VII. Adventures: Minia, Lodi, and Gheladan VIII. Combat IX. HEALING X. Ratting and Butterflies XI. Clothing, ...
» whatnow
... : Kick something. Also a weak attack. DRINK : Drink a liquid, such as a HEALING elixir. APPLY : Used to apply salves t...
» basecommands
...outer islands or away from the continents of Sapience or Meropis proper. An effulgent spark (HEALING): 350 Credits -...
» offensiveartefacts
...s mysteriously as they appeared. Other fables spoke of a lone man who travelled battlefields, HEALING the fallen so they could rise again and continue...
» matsuhama
...s Read about rooms which are safe, by Divine order. 13.7 Heal About HEALING, curing, afflictions, etc. 13.7.1 HEALINGlis...
» 13_index
...wledge publicly. Of these, the most frequently visited are: - Onorol the Healer (Sacristy of HEALING in Shastaan) - Tyrandiel the wise (Lucretian Ath...
» tutors
...Occultist skills balance both combat and utility, giving them a broad range of abilities from HEALING, travelling, offensive and defensive skills, and...
» class_occultist
... this sliver to restore your health (the more charge, the bigger the health gain). - This HEALING can push you over your max health by up to 25% o...
» Underworld Talismans
...t famous are Onorol the Healer and Tyrandiel the wise. You may find Onorol in the Sacristy of HEALING in Shastaan, and Tyrandiel within the Lucretian ...
» learn
...rt breather to catch up on HEALING afflictions. A shackle of Garash: 600 Credits - This shackle shall funct...
» artefactsdefensive
...opponent will you simply execute 1, then 2, then 3. Usually there will be much moving around, HEALING of the things that pin you, HEALING of the damag...
» combatprinciples
...ey would be on the front-lines in the battle against the chaotic forces of the land. With the HEALING abilities of the Priests to support them, the Pa...
» churchhistory
...(See HELP HEALING LIST, HELP HEALING YOURSELF, HELP CURES, and HELP CURE LIST.) Plants and herbs abound in Achaea. Learning their properties should b...
» plants
...o much more carefully manage your health and mana than in normal combat, because while you're HEALING your mana or health, that's all you can do. You ...
» balanceofpower
...d also be noted that adventurers under level 11 will be unable to attack other adventurers. HEALING, HERBS, VIALS, ETC -------------------------- In...
» newbieattacks
...(See HELP HEALING LIST, HELP HEALING YOURSELF, HELP CURES, and HELP CURE LIST.) Minerals abound in Achaea. Learning their properties should be a high...
» minerals
...ment of defensive abilities that rely on bodily control, such as automatic mana regeneration, HEALING your limbs by force of will, and so on. The high...
» kaido
...COR (Lesser) - Shrine power. Heals order member mana. - Lasts approximately 10 minutes. HEALING (Lesser) - Shrine power. Heals order member h...
» offerings
...nvolved in combat with a denizen, the more you hit the denizen and take certain actions (like HEALING other adventurers), the more angry the denizen w...
» hunting