Achaea Help Files

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19.10.2 Offensive Artefacts


Artefacts are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits. Unless otherwise stated, artefacts can be purchased in Merentesh's series of shops in Delos. They will reset into your inventory frequently, which means they cannot be loaned out, or stolen(!), for very long. Some only work for the owner. They never decay. They cannot be changed to reset to anyone else's inventory, so do not buy artefacts of any kind if you intend to sell them.

Note About Stacking
Artefact effects (for similar artefacts) don't combine or stack. If you have, say, a Collar of Ceylon and a Collar of Agatheis, then only one will boost damage of a magical nature. If you have a Logosian Ring and a Mayan Ring, then only one will increase the value of sipping a health elixir. In general, the best item rules, but there may be exceptions. So don't count on having two artefacts and somehow stacking their effects.

Weapon upgrades:
   Add these to your warrior artefact weapons with the command:
     ARTEFACT <weapon> ADD <upgrade>

ASP           - 750 Bound/Weapon credits
 - You may add the Asp ability to almost any artefact edged weapon.
 - The Asp ability causes the weapon to hit with a random venom 
each time, and 1/3 of the time no specific venom message is given. If there are venoms on the weapon, the venoms will be delivered and the asp will not take effect. If there are no venoms, asp will take effect.          
 - For the purposes of adding Asp ability, knuckles do not count as
edged weapons.                                                                
 - The asp ability may be traded in at two-thirds value (500cr)

CONSERVATION  - 300 Bound/Weapon credits
 - Only for cutting weapons.
 - This will have a 25% chance to return any venom used when you strike someone with the weapon to your rift (assuming you have room).

DECAPITATION  - 300 Bound/Weapon credits
 - Sometimes you really just want to decapitate someone with a warhammer while keeping their head intact. 
 - This impractical endeavour can now be achieved by a weapon with this upgrade.

MITIGATION    - 500 Bound/Weapon credits
 - This reduces the damage a weapon health deals to you when you tragically rebound off of someone's aura of rebounding by 25%. 
 - It doesn't reduce the limb damage, as this is often desirable.

SPIKES        - 400 Bound/Weapon credits
 - By attaching spikes to a blunt weapon, that weapon will now deal bleeding on all warrior specialisation attacks performed with it. 

Bows:  These shoot more quickly, do more damage, and hit more easily
       than a darkbow. The damage and to-hit percentages aren't possible
       to give because they are only one of many factors - suffice it
       to say that the more expensive bows are more accurate and do more

  Note: The base price of bows is based on having the DARKBOWS ability.
        Should you not have this class ability, you can purchase the
        "shooting" option via the ARTEFACT command, which grants the
        owner the ability to use the SHOOT command:
           SHOOT <adventurer> [direction] -or-
           SHOOT <adventurer> WITH METEOR.

A ranger's bow:                                               250 Credits
 - This bow is more accurate, does more damage, and fires 7% faster than standard bows.
 - Shooting Addon: +100 Credits

A Velocity Bow:                                               550 Credits
 - This bow is more accurate, does more damage, and fires 14% faster than standard bows.
 - Shooting Addon: +250 Credits

A Lupine bow:                                                 1000 Credits
 - This bow is more accurate, does more damage, and fires 22% faster than standard bows.
 - Shooting Addon: +500 Credits

A dragonskin quiver:                                          100 Credits
 - This quiver holds significantly more arrows than a standard quiver, and can also hold up to ten meteor arrows.
 - For sale in Moghedu, right next to the entrance, in a shop.

An Atlantian quiver:                                          300 Credits
 - This quiver holds more arrows than a dragonskin quiver, and up to fifteen meteor arrows.
 - For sale in Delos, in the Offensive Artefact Shop.

A moon-bright quiver:                                         600 Credits
 - This quiver holds more arrows than a Atlantian quiver, and up to twenty five meteor arrows.
 - For sale in Delos, in the Offensive Artefact Shop.

Babel's Pin:                                                  525 Credits
 - A throwable artefact javelin with the stats: 255/146/83

Babel's Barb:                                                 800 Credits
 - A throwable artefact javelin with the stats: 267/153/87

Babel's Fury:                                                 1300 Credits
 - A throwable artefact javelin with the stats: 279/160/91
Note: Javelins cannot be purchased currently.

A steel stiletto:                                             200 Credits
 - A throwable artefact stiletto with the stats: 50/210/223

An ivory stiletto:                                            400 Credits
 - A throwable artefact stiletto with the stats: 53/217/229

A Deisian stiletto:                                           800 Credits
 - A throwable artefact stiletto with the stats: 56/222/235

An Offspring Talisman:                                        500 Credits
Artefact power: faster_eq
 - Reduces the time it takes to recover equilibrium, by about 7%.

An Aldar Diadem:                                              1000 Credits
Artefact power: faster_eq
 - This diadem speeds up your equilibrium regain by about 15%.

An Aldar talisman:                                            1000 Credits
Artefact power: faster_eq
 - This talisman speeds up your equilibrium regain by about 15%.

A Collar of Ceylon:                                           400 Credits
Artefact power: magic_damage
 - This collar increases the damage of your magical attacks by 10%.
 - These collars increase damage done to opponents from abilities that are magical in nature. These abilities include cast (or grove) lightning, cast firelash, thornrend, staffcast, stormhammer, accentato, holocaust globe, kai choke, distort aura, utter truename, warp, taint, purity, decay, star tarot, thurisaz rune, educe iron, and mind crush.

A Collar of Diablerie:                                        800 Credits
Artefact power: magic_damage
 - This collar increases the damage of your magical attacks by 15%.
 - See Collar of Ceylon for full details.

A Collar of Agatheis:                                         1600 Credits
Artefact power: magic_damage
 - This collar increases the damage of your magical attacks by 20%.
 - See Collar of Ceylon for full details.

A chronomatic anomaly:                                        500 Credits
 - THROW this anomaly to extend the timers of any holocaust globes, magmaspheres, or bombs present.
 - This will extend the relevant timers by a random amount, up to ten seconds. After use, a location will not be susceptible to further anomalous interference for several minutes afterwards.

Bracers of Frost:                                             1000 Credits
Artefact power: frost_mastery
 - These bracers give access to the FREEZE, DEEPFREEZE, and ICEWALL abilities.
 - FREEZE GROUND - Cover the ground in ice.
 - FREEZE <person> - Freeze an opponent.
 - CAST DEEPFREEZE - Deepfreeze all enemies that are in the same location as you.
 - POINT <bracers> <direction> - Create an icewall to block the direction.

A Scorpion's Tail:                                            800 Credits
Artefact power: sting
 - This artefact will allow you to STING people, afflicting with the loki venom.

A deep red boomerang:                                         450 Credits
 - Yank people without the mass defence into your location, provided they are in your line of sight.
 - Will function up to ten rooms away
 - THROW BOOMERANG AT <target> <direction>
 - Boomerangs will not function through one-way exits
 - The same things that prevent a yank will prevent a boomerang from succeeding (impaled, massed, stand firm, rooted, clinging) plus grounding vibes, being at a dock, restrained by tentacles or grave hands, or a rite of piety.

Bracers of Flame:                                             400 Credits
Artefact power: fire_mastery
 - These bracers give access to the FIRELASH and FIREWALL abilities.
 - Can also be used in place of a tinderbox.

A whip of taming:                                             300 Credits
 - Gives someone the PEACE affliction when hit. Cannot be used for garrote.

A knotted leather cord:                                       250 Credits
Artefact power: dauntless
 - Waive the gold cost for joining the Dauntless.
 - Allows the use of JOIN DAUNTLESS from anywhere.
 - You will not be automatically removed from the Dauntless after a year's membership
 - Once the minimum year has passed, you can QUIT DAUNTLESS to resign, and may join again at no cost.

A Veil of the Sphinx:                                         2500 Credits
Artefact power: sphinx
 - This veil grants the FULLSENSE ability and expands the use of FARSEE.
 - FULLSENSE will allow you to see the name and location of every adventurer in your local area.
 - Adventurers who already have this ability will receive a significant balance reduction.
 - FARSEE will no longer be restricted by planar or continental boundaries.
 - FARSEE will show the precise location and area of your target.

A Hood of the Sphinx:                                         2500 Credits
Artefact power: sphinx
 - This hood grants the FULLSENSE ability and expands the use of FARSEE.
 - See Veil of the Sphinx for full details

A fire pendant:                                               200 Credits
Artefact power: criticals
 - This pendant increases your chance of critical hits by 2%.

A blood pendant:                                              600 Credits
Artefact power: criticals
 - This pendant increases your chance of critical hits by 4%.

A Stygian pendant:                                            1200 Credits
Artefact power: criticals
 - This pendant increases your chance of critical hits by 6%.

Vambraces of the Berserker:                                   300 Credits
Artefact power: battlerage_decay
 - Harness the power of the berserker to extend your battlerage's lifespan.

A band of the Berserker:                                      250 Credits
Artefact power: battlerage_support
 - Increase the damage dealt by your allies' conditional damage battlerage attacks.
 - They must be in your rallying presence to benefit from this.

A pair of eagle's wings:                                      800 Credits
 - These wings grant you access to the clouds room, which has exits to key locations around Sapience.

A pair of atavian wings:                                      2000 Credits
 - An enhanced version of the Eagle's Wings.
 - These wings will also reach all exits available to the eagle's wings

A vibrating stick:                                            800 Credits
Artefact power: wormholes
 - This stick lets you seek out and travel through wormholes.
 - With it, you may WORM SEEK and WORM WARP.

An oscillating stick:                                         1300 Credits
Artefact power: wormholes
 - In addition to allowing wormhole travel, provides the ability to see all wormholes in an area with WORM SOURCES.

A wand of portals:                                            800 Credits
 - This wand will allow you to open portals to people in other locations.
 - Opening a portal takes six seconds, and is stopped by a monolith sigil.
 - POINT <wand> AT <person>

An Anklet of Dashing:                                         500 Credits
Artefact power: dash
 - Grants the ability to DASH/SPRINT.

A flying carpet:                                              300 Credits
Artefact power: entourage_flight
 - When you fly all adventurers following will follow along into the air.
 - The group leader must be able to fly, separate from the carpet.

An Armband of Celerity:                                       500 Credits
Artefact power: celerity
 - Gives you an extra move/second before the "Don't be so hasty" message kicks in.

Wolverine's claws:                                            500 Credits
Artefact power: burrow
 - These claws grant you the ability to BURROW.
 - These claws must be worn to be used.
 - They do not conflict with any other worn item.

Chitin greaves:                                               500 Credits
Artefact power: leap
 - These greaves will grant you access to the LEAP ability.
 - The owner and wearer of the greaves must possess both balance and equilibrium to begin a leap and may not be prone. Leaping uses balance and endurance.
 - The leap may still be disrupted by slipping on icy ground, closed doors, gravehands, piety, grounding vibration, or banana peel.

A spinning gyroscope:                                         500 Credits
Artefact power: swift_predator
 - Halves the time to recover from use of the TRACK ability.

A ring of flying:                                             400 Credits
Artefact power: flying
 - Lets you FLY like an Atavian.

A Cane of the Quickening:                                     300 Credits
 - This cane lets you walk normally with one broken leg.
 - Must be wielded.
 - While walking normally, you appear to be walking normally to those that look on, and to yourself. Thus, no appearance of hobbling.

A Brooch of the Tempest:                                      150 Credits
Artefact power: stability
 - This brooch will prevent the wind from blowing you off course when flying.

A camouflaged hunter's blind:                                 700 Credits
 - ASSEMBLE BLIND to set up the hunter's blind in an outdoor room without trees, allowing you to SWING UP. It will last one Achaean day, and city guards will destroy a blind if they find it.

A spider-silk tether:                                         500 Credits
Artefact power: pacing
 - Follow while they sprint away!
 - This item allows you to PACING [ON/OFF]
 - At a constant endurance drain, you can remain following a person while they sprint or gallop away.

A clean slate:                                                500 Credits
 - SCRIBE <target> INTO SLATE to block all of your target's racial abilities for 30 seconds.
 - This will incur a 4 minute cooldown on the item.
 - Once used on a person, they will earn a 4 minute immunity from repeated use.
 - This item cannot be used on dragons or elemental lords.

An Earring of Sinope:                                         800 Credits
 - A pair of earrings. You wear one, and somebody else wears the other. As long as you are both wearing yours, you can travel to each other.
 - TRAVEL TO <person>
 - For those wearing multiple Earrings of Sinope, use TRAVEL TO <person> WITH earringID (for example, TRAVEL TO CALLISTO WITH earring123).
 - Earrings of Sinope are always owned by exactly one person, though clearly they are used by two. You specify the partner at purchase time with the following syntax: BUY <earring> PAIRED WITH <person>.
 - If the owner should decide to bestow the other earring to a different partner at a later time, this can be accomplished at a cost of 100 credits. See HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS for more information on changing partners.
 - Earrings of Sinope are blocked by grounding vibrations, being in the arena, or being in a ferry, and only these things. You must also not be prone/paralysed/bound or off eq/balance to travel to someone.
 - Earrings will only function as long as you are on the same plane, same continent, and both in, or both not in, the wilderness, and if both in the wilderness, then within not too great a distance.

A macabre door knocker:                                       1100 Credits
 - RAISE KNOCKER to open a door of light from a ground location and enter the doorway to escape to another underground locale.
 - There are 6 exits available from Sapience and 4 if you use this from Meropis.
 - Activation and entering the door can be prevented by the presence of a monolith sigil.
 - There is a 5 second windup on cast.
 - This will not function on outer islands or away from the continents of Sapience or Meropis proper.

An effulgent spark (healing):                                 350 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will send a healing wave through the room, refreshing anyone present.

An aqueous spark (flood):                                     400 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will fill a room with water, temporarily flooding the surroundings.

A psychic spark (psychic):                                    500 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will send a psychic ripple through anyone present, assaulting their mana reserves.

A trembling spark (tremors):                                  200 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will cause the earth to tremble and quake, knocking anyone present off their feet.

A metallic spark (shrapnel):                                  400 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will send metallic shrapnel flying.
 - Causes damage and bleeding for anyone in the room, or within line of sight up to three rooms away.

An effervescent spark (parting):                              250 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will create a wave of heat intense enough to boil away any nearby water.
 - This is the same effect as parted waters.

A silvery spark (enticement):                                 0 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will create a vortex that pulls people in from adjacent rooms.
 - This item is not currently available for sale and is included only as a reference for those currently in possession of the power.

A concussive spark (concussive):                              750 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will cause a shockwave that will send anyone present flying.
 - Affected players will either be sent to an adjacent room or knocked to the ground.

A caustic spark (caustic):                                    1000 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will fill the room with noxious gas, choking anyone who happens to breathe it in.

A cyclonic spark (cyclone):                                   500 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will create a vortex of air that will knock any unfortunate flyers to the ground.

A galvanic spark (lightning):                                 600 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will set off a wave of electric potential.
 - After a time bolts of lightning will strike adventurers still in the room.

A blazing spark (fire):                                       300 Credits
 - Detonating a tank imbued with this power will engulf your room in a fiery blaze.
 - Any adventurers present will be burned and set alight.