Achaea Help Files
Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.
19.10.8 Ship Artefacts
(see also HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS) Artefacts are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits. They never decay. -------------- Ship Artefacts -------------- Use SHIP REQUISITION to purchase or upgrade these. Ship Crew Cabin Boy 200 credits (+250 morale) A One-eyed Cook 400 credits (+400 morale) A rotund chef 800 credits (+750 morale) - Allow you to COMMISSION MEAL once per Achaean month to increase your crew's morale. Weapon racks: 200 credits - Generates 3 units of ship ammunition per Achaean day, these are placed directly into the ship's stores. a teakwood chain-shot rack a cedar star-shot rack an ironwood dart rack a sandalwood wardisc rack a zebrawood spidershot rack a cherrywood hook-shot rack an elaborate iron flare rack* * TURN FLARERACK DEFAULT to have it generate randomly coloured flares. * TURN FLARERACK <colour> to specify flare colour. * Can only do this once per Achaean month. Cartographer's Desk: 350 credits - Holds up to 100 nautical maps. - Slows decay of maps stored within. Barnacle-encrusted bait bucket: 250 credits - This is an upgrade option only, this item cannot be purchased. - Existing fresh water bait bucket upgrades to produce deep sea bait. ---------------- Ship Requisition ---------------- SHIP REQUISITION ARTEFACT <artefact keyword> - Available keywords are: cabinboy - cook - chef desk chainshotrack - dartrack - flarerack - hookshotrack - spidershotrack - starshotrack - wardiscrack SHIP REQUISITION UPGRADE <cabinboy|cook|bucketID> - If cabinboy, it will upgrade to cook - If cook upgrades to chef. - If bucketID, this upgrades the "barnacle-encrusted bucket" to produce deep sea bait (250 credits) SHIP REQUISITION NONDECAY <weaponID/figureheadID> - Nondecay a ship weapon or figurehead. - Costs 50 credits. SHIP REQUISITION RESETTING <figureheadID>** - Make a mounted figurehead resetting to its mounted location. - Costs 50 credits. ** THIS CAN ONLY BE ADDED TO AN ALREADY NON-DECAY FIGUREHEAD. SHIP REQUISITION RELOCATION FIGUREHEAD <target shipID> - You must be on the origin ship, on the bow, next to a resetting mounted figurehead. - Target ship may not have a mounted figurehead. - Both ships have to be in the same harbour. - Target ship cannot be drydocked - This can only be executed by ship owner, or, if org owned, people with requisition perms. - Costs 50 bound credits. - Any power accumulated by the figurehead will be preserved through the change. (see also HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS)