Achaean News
The 7 Truths of Evil
Written by: Infernal Karkus, the Apostle of Blood
Date: Tuesday, October 3rd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
As others have already commented on this subject, I shall
keep this post brief.
Xianty, before you trouble yourself with attempting to
decipher the 7 Truths, I would recommend that you first
attempt to research about that which you will write. This
will save you from making uneducated assumptions and
recieving inane replies. But I understand if you are a
follower of the precept that ignorance is bliss and do
not wish to seek out the Tome that lies on the altar in His
temple. We can not all be theologians.
Karkus, the Apostle of Blood
Penned by my hand on the 6th of Ero, in the year 259 AF.
The 7 Truths of Evil
Written by: Infernal Karkus, the Apostle of Blood
Date: Tuesday, October 3rd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
As others have already commented on this subject, I shall
keep this post brief.
Xianty, before you trouble yourself with attempting to
decipher the 7 Truths, I would recommend that you first
attempt to research about that which you will write. This
will save you from making uneducated assumptions and
recieving inane replies. But I understand if you are a
follower of the precept that ignorance is bliss and do
not wish to seek out the Tome that lies on the altar in His
temple. We can not all be theologians.
Karkus, the Apostle of Blood
Penned by my hand on the 6th of Ero, in the year 259 AF.