Achaean News
Your post
Written by: Vega, Artistic DM
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
I read your post and was amazed by what you said, you said that one of the Truths: Weakness must be eliminated in all its forms: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. That you dont understand this, this however I understand, for I myself did not understand it at first, but give me a bit of time to explain, and also tell you why I was amazed.
Ok, it seems as you see think that what the statement by Lord Sartan means this: That one has to go out kill everything weaker then yourself, anything you are capable of, you are to kill, your reason behind is because they are weaker then you and should be eliminated, this is what I will try to correct for you.
What this statement means is, basicly, there is in nature and in the world, a stronger, and one weaker, this however does not mean that the stronger just for the fun of it, or just because of it is to go kill the weaker, what this Statement means is in basic in yourself, your own Physic, Mental, and Spiritual weaknesses, to eliminate them is far more important then to try to correct anothers errors, you yourself come first.
And those young in experience that do not have the potential nor the experience and wisdom to become strong in body and mind, if they are eliminated then how are they ever to become strong, how are they ever to grow? If this was indeed true then no one would ever survive, because upon birth one is to weak and then cast aside and slayed, then no mortal would ever become anything would they? Time is given of course, and it is the heart of the person in question that shows if one is strong or not, not their skills and their body, one with a heart strong, can win both Physic combat, and combat by words if you understand my meaning.
And now to the amazement, you said you do not understand, but this is Life, Life is about growing is it not, as I see it, you yourself and everyone else is this world strives for advancement do you not? Dont you strive one day to gain a huge amount of gold, another to fulfill a quest of some sort, another to find out as much you can about some interesting subject, this is all advancement for strength in different areas, one can be strong in body, in mind and in soul, what sets some apart is that some people have managed to become even strong in heart, what I mean by heart is all 3 together. And you also say we fear friends and such? Now, have it crossed your mind we perhaps just choose them away, perhaps we have no use of them, perhaps man is strong enough to survive and live without other.
And last thing, Hate and Evil is not the same thing.
That is all...
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.
Your post
Written by: Vega, Artistic DM
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
I read your post and was amazed by what you said, you said that one of the Truths: Weakness must be eliminated in all its forms: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. That you dont understand this, this however I understand, for I myself did not understand it at first, but give me a bit of time to explain, and also tell you why I was amazed.
Ok, it seems as you see think that what the statement by Lord Sartan means this: That one has to go out kill everything weaker then yourself, anything you are capable of, you are to kill, your reason behind is because they are weaker then you and should be eliminated, this is what I will try to correct for you.
What this statement means is, basicly, there is in nature and in the world, a stronger, and one weaker, this however does not mean that the stronger just for the fun of it, or just because of it is to go kill the weaker, what this Statement means is in basic in yourself, your own Physic, Mental, and Spiritual weaknesses, to eliminate them is far more important then to try to correct anothers errors, you yourself come first.
And those young in experience that do not have the potential nor the experience and wisdom to become strong in body and mind, if they are eliminated then how are they ever to become strong, how are they ever to grow? If this was indeed true then no one would ever survive, because upon birth one is to weak and then cast aside and slayed, then no mortal would ever become anything would they? Time is given of course, and it is the heart of the person in question that shows if one is strong or not, not their skills and their body, one with a heart strong, can win both Physic combat, and combat by words if you understand my meaning.
And now to the amazement, you said you do not understand, but this is Life, Life is about growing is it not, as I see it, you yourself and everyone else is this world strives for advancement do you not? Dont you strive one day to gain a huge amount of gold, another to fulfill a quest of some sort, another to find out as much you can about some interesting subject, this is all advancement for strength in different areas, one can be strong in body, in mind and in soul, what sets some apart is that some people have managed to become even strong in heart, what I mean by heart is all 3 together. And you also say we fear friends and such? Now, have it crossed your mind we perhaps just choose them away, perhaps we have no use of them, perhaps man is strong enough to survive and live without other.
And last thing, Hate and Evil is not the same thing.
That is all...
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.