Achaean News
That which befalls you.
Written by: Dream Shadow, Serpent of the Moon
Date: Monday, September 25th, 2000
Addressed to: Raajin Lucoster
I write here, into public record that which has been affirmed into
private record many times. I have seen you take over leadership
of the Infernals during a turbulant time. You took a group of
mercenaries, many of whom delighted in destruction for no reason
other than it pleased them. You took them and gave them honour,
and I have seen your art for what it truly is, the Art of War.
While no creation of art is truly perfect, we strive for that
perfection which eludes us. That any of your knights, and I call
them knights, for that is what you forged them into...that any
of them should turn against their commander is a mar upon the
thing of beauty that you have created. While I have no use for
honour, delighting in illusion and trickery, I abhore what has
been done to an artist of your ilk. My life for my art, it is not
just a phrase.
To you Raajin I pledge my support. I will stand with you until
this situation has been resolved one way or another. I will
oppose mortal or god though my soul be forfeit. And may the
shadows protect us, for I fear hell may be unleashed upon us in
it's full fury. It should be fun.
- Dream Shadow
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Chronos, in the year 258 AF.
That which befalls you.
Written by: Dream Shadow, Serpent of the Moon
Date: Monday, September 25th, 2000
Addressed to: Raajin Lucoster
I write here, into public record that which has been affirmed into
private record many times. I have seen you take over leadership
of the Infernals during a turbulant time. You took a group of
mercenaries, many of whom delighted in destruction for no reason
other than it pleased them. You took them and gave them honour,
and I have seen your art for what it truly is, the Art of War.
While no creation of art is truly perfect, we strive for that
perfection which eludes us. That any of your knights, and I call
them knights, for that is what you forged them into...that any
of them should turn against their commander is a mar upon the
thing of beauty that you have created. While I have no use for
honour, delighting in illusion and trickery, I abhore what has
been done to an artist of your ilk. My life for my art, it is not
just a phrase.
To you Raajin I pledge my support. I will stand with you until
this situation has been resolved one way or another. I will
oppose mortal or god though my soul be forfeit. And may the
shadows protect us, for I fear hell may be unleashed upon us in
it's full fury. It should be fun.
- Dream Shadow
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Chronos, in the year 258 AF.