Achaean News
The Blind Burro Inn
Written by: Borme, the Innkeeper
Date: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Hello, friends of Nimick!
I am Borme, the Innkeeper of the Blind Burro Inn. You might not know of it, but that's about to change.
Having spent time in your cities tasting your foods, it's clear that the Blind Burro needs an update to its menu. Less of the potato bake with a shot of potato vodka, and more of the tasty darkbrews, holoburgers and noodle soups!
Therefore, I am extending an invitation to everyone in just over one year time at Serenade for a feast of new delicious meals to be sold permanently on the menu of the Inn.
If you would like to submit an idea to me, then send me a letter and perhaps your dish will be served at the feast! For good measure, I'll award each winner a pristine, golden plate for their efforts.
Remember, it must be hearty, it must be filling, and it must be delicious.
NOTE: Submissions should follow standard craft guild guidelines!
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Mayan, in the year 969 AF.
The Blind Burro Inn
Written by: Borme, the Innkeeper
Date: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Hello, friends of Nimick!
I am Borme, the Innkeeper of the Blind Burro Inn. You might not know of it, but that's about to change.
Having spent time in your cities tasting your foods, it's clear that the Blind Burro needs an update to its menu. Less of the potato bake with a shot of potato vodka, and more of the tasty darkbrews, holoburgers and noodle soups!
Therefore, I am extending an invitation to everyone in just over one year time at Serenade for a feast of new delicious meals to be sold permanently on the menu of the Inn.
If you would like to submit an idea to me, then send me a letter and perhaps your dish will be served at the feast! For good measure, I'll award each winner a pristine, golden plate for their efforts.
Remember, it must be hearty, it must be filling, and it must be delicious.
NOTE: Submissions should follow standard craft guild guidelines!
Penned by my hand on the 5th of Mayan, in the year 969 AF.