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Public News Post #22169

Live in fear

Written by: Sapling Tesha Young, of the Crimson-streaked Lily
Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Addressed to: Archai Jems Aristata, Druid of the Red Isle

To the wretch who considers herself one of Nature,

You are an abomination. You wield stolen gifts of Nature in service to Evil, and in doing so demonstrate your complete and utter lack of faith in the gifts of your God. I care not for whether you believe Apostasy, Necromancy, Oppression, Malignity, and so on to be inferior to the gifts of Nature, or for your reasoning in abusing Her gifts. I care only that the Earthmother takes offense to your very existence. With that said, having interacted with you, the Mhaldor of today certainly has come a long way in living the professed Truths, wholeheartedly embracing Suffering by tolerating your presence.

The Earthmother has tasked Her Thorns with your complete and utter removal. I write this post not only for you, but also for those you will undoubtedly seek to infect with your delusional interpretation of what is to come. I write this post to offer you a way to end your suffering. I write this post because you have offered significant evidence that lends credence to the theory that there is naught but fog, spittle, and waste between your ears. I write this post to make clear the Earthmother's view of what you are: refuse, to be swept away.

I made an attempt at your life today, as one who has not meaningfully entered the battlefield in centuries, and you immediately turned to flee, offering comments of derision while trembling behind those who rushed to your aid, tucked safely behind the fearsome guards at Stygian Crossroads no less than twenty steps away from where I came for you, alone. The bleating cries of your attempted taunts showcased wit as sharp as an infant's fist, so I will attempt to make this as clear for you as I possibly can.

I told you to live in fear. You argued you would never do that. I asked you to remember those words when you have been returned to the embrace of Nature for the thousandth time... when your blood rejuvenates the very soil your presence offends... when grief and regret overwhelm you, and when you can take no more. I am soft and kind-hearted, so I wish to remind you how easy it will be for you to end the wrath that is to come.

Beseech the Earthmother Her forgiveness. Throw yourself at Her mercy. Prostrate yourself before Her, admit your failings - or at least, as many as your astounding awareness will allow you to see - and beg Her with an open heart and a bared soul for a way to move forward with Her grace, to wield Her gifts with Her blessing. Alternatively, cast aside Her gifts, cease speaking for Nature, and publically announce your choice.

Until you make one of these choices and follow through, live in fear, for your actions have earned the Earthmother's ire, which means your very existence is forfeit. We come for you. Live in fear.

Tesha Young

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Phaestian, in the year 969 AF.

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Public News Post #22169

Live in fear

Written by: Sapling Tesha Young, of the Crimson-streaked Lily
Date: Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Addressed to: Archai Jems Aristata, Druid of the Red Isle

To the wretch who considers herself one of Nature,

You are an abomination. You wield stolen gifts of Nature in service to Evil, and in doing so demonstrate your complete and utter lack of faith in the gifts of your God. I care not for whether you believe Apostasy, Necromancy, Oppression, Malignity, and so on to be inferior to the gifts of Nature, or for your reasoning in abusing Her gifts. I care only that the Earthmother takes offense to your very existence. With that said, having interacted with you, the Mhaldor of today certainly has come a long way in living the professed Truths, wholeheartedly embracing Suffering by tolerating your presence.

The Earthmother has tasked Her Thorns with your complete and utter removal. I write this post not only for you, but also for those you will undoubtedly seek to infect with your delusional interpretation of what is to come. I write this post to offer you a way to end your suffering. I write this post because you have offered significant evidence that lends credence to the theory that there is naught but fog, spittle, and waste between your ears. I write this post to make clear the Earthmother's view of what you are: refuse, to be swept away.

I made an attempt at your life today, as one who has not meaningfully entered the battlefield in centuries, and you immediately turned to flee, offering comments of derision while trembling behind those who rushed to your aid, tucked safely behind the fearsome guards at Stygian Crossroads no less than twenty steps away from where I came for you, alone. The bleating cries of your attempted taunts showcased wit as sharp as an infant's fist, so I will attempt to make this as clear for you as I possibly can.

I told you to live in fear. You argued you would never do that. I asked you to remember those words when you have been returned to the embrace of Nature for the thousandth time... when your blood rejuvenates the very soil your presence offends... when grief and regret overwhelm you, and when you can take no more. I am soft and kind-hearted, so I wish to remind you how easy it will be for you to end the wrath that is to come.

Beseech the Earthmother Her forgiveness. Throw yourself at Her mercy. Prostrate yourself before Her, admit your failings - or at least, as many as your astounding awareness will allow you to see - and beg Her with an open heart and a bared soul for a way to move forward with Her grace, to wield Her gifts with Her blessing. Alternatively, cast aside Her gifts, cease speaking for Nature, and publically announce your choice.

Until you make one of these choices and follow through, live in fear, for your actions have earned the Earthmother's ire, which means your very existence is forfeit. We come for you. Live in fear.

Tesha Young

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Phaestian, in the year 969 AF.

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