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Public News Post #22138

Nihilists Seeking Meaning

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Monday, January 27th, 2025
Addressed to: Overseer Grandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown

Seleucarian Chivalry is indeed a construct of Nicatorian vision, an ideal forged by mortals, lived by mortals, and upheld by mortals. This is no insult to me, and I am surprised that a Nihilist who seeks Ascension in defiance of the Gods requires more meaning than mortal aspiration. I do not push these aspirations onto any nation, I offer a noble path of service to any who seek it, and citizens of your nations have ventured forth. My obligation as Arbiter is to them, all other callers await my leisure.

When civilians demand to see the Code of Chivalry for themselves, they demand in ignorance that we produce a hallowed relic lost with Seleucar. Lost to us are the Castle of Twelve's own writings on Honour, the formulae for ancient Bladefire, the manuals on dual swordsmanship and dueling etiquette. And yet the Code exists as a living tradition, passed down from Knight to Knight since Sir Gawain and Ser Sinistar refounded the Inheritor Guilds; two distinct visions from the very start. I practice Chivalry as it was taught to me by Lord Metzger, the Iron Lion, just as his sire taught him. I guide others down the path in turn, one link in an unbroken chain that long precedes me and shall long outlive me. I am guided by Chivalry, and I guide it; it is not difficult for me to carry two truths.

The Guild of Knights affords room for Ashtani Knights to be Ashtani, Mhaldorian Knights to be Mhaldorian, Cyrenian Knights to be Cyrenian, Gaian Knights to be Gaian, Hashani Knights to be Hashani, and Asterian Knights to be Asterian. This is not a failure of the Guild, it is the purpose of the Guild. Within our castle walls Chivalry lives on, every Knight that passes our gates a reflection of that ancient ideal through the lens of their modern nation, opposed in mission but aligned in spirit.

Ashtani Knights follow Ashtani codes, Hashani Knights follow Hashani codes. Gaian Knights follow Gaian codes. This is not evasive, and these codes are not ambiguous. They spell out what their Knights swear to and how their Knights shall act, if you wish to know what your nation's knights are sworn to, read their code, hear their oath. You demand to know by what standard the Guild rules, and I say plainly: consensus. The Council is the ranking Knight from each nation, and when these warring states see past their differences and agree that a Knight has departed what we all deem boundaries, the Guild acts. When there is no consensus, the Guild does not act. I can describe it no simpler, and if you think us easily corrupted, I bid you gather your own council from every nation, and see what you can agree on.

Of course there are politics. Of course the Councilors mind the consequences of their votes. This is true of any council, in any government and any guild. Politics are merely another battlefield that Knights must brave at home and abroad, and my Council takes care to separate what is doctrinal dispute, and what is a conflict between Knights that should be settled on the field of honour. If only all politicians would settle their scores with duels.

When Chivalry was written, all Meropis and Sapience were one continent under one banner, all its Knights united in cause and deed. Perhaps the day will come again when one state brings all the Sapient cities to heel, and a single Code again commands all the Realm's Knights. Until then, Knighthood serves several lieges and several codes, and the Guild shall rule by a Council of its peers, not the court of the mob.

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Mayan, in the year 966 AF.

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Public News Post #22138

Nihilists Seeking Meaning

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Monday, January 27th, 2025
Addressed to: Overseer Grandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown

Seleucarian Chivalry is indeed a construct of Nicatorian vision, an ideal forged by mortals, lived by mortals, and upheld by mortals. This is no insult to me, and I am surprised that a Nihilist who seeks Ascension in defiance of the Gods requires more meaning than mortal aspiration. I do not push these aspirations onto any nation, I offer a noble path of service to any who seek it, and citizens of your nations have ventured forth. My obligation as Arbiter is to them, all other callers await my leisure.

When civilians demand to see the Code of Chivalry for themselves, they demand in ignorance that we produce a hallowed relic lost with Seleucar. Lost to us are the Castle of Twelve's own writings on Honour, the formulae for ancient Bladefire, the manuals on dual swordsmanship and dueling etiquette. And yet the Code exists as a living tradition, passed down from Knight to Knight since Sir Gawain and Ser Sinistar refounded the Inheritor Guilds; two distinct visions from the very start. I practice Chivalry as it was taught to me by Lord Metzger, the Iron Lion, just as his sire taught him. I guide others down the path in turn, one link in an unbroken chain that long precedes me and shall long outlive me. I am guided by Chivalry, and I guide it; it is not difficult for me to carry two truths.

The Guild of Knights affords room for Ashtani Knights to be Ashtani, Mhaldorian Knights to be Mhaldorian, Cyrenian Knights to be Cyrenian, Gaian Knights to be Gaian, Hashani Knights to be Hashani, and Asterian Knights to be Asterian. This is not a failure of the Guild, it is the purpose of the Guild. Within our castle walls Chivalry lives on, every Knight that passes our gates a reflection of that ancient ideal through the lens of their modern nation, opposed in mission but aligned in spirit.

Ashtani Knights follow Ashtani codes, Hashani Knights follow Hashani codes. Gaian Knights follow Gaian codes. This is not evasive, and these codes are not ambiguous. They spell out what their Knights swear to and how their Knights shall act, if you wish to know what your nation's knights are sworn to, read their code, hear their oath. You demand to know by what standard the Guild rules, and I say plainly: consensus. The Council is the ranking Knight from each nation, and when these warring states see past their differences and agree that a Knight has departed what we all deem boundaries, the Guild acts. When there is no consensus, the Guild does not act. I can describe it no simpler, and if you think us easily corrupted, I bid you gather your own council from every nation, and see what you can agree on.

Of course there are politics. Of course the Councilors mind the consequences of their votes. This is true of any council, in any government and any guild. Politics are merely another battlefield that Knights must brave at home and abroad, and my Council takes care to separate what is doctrinal dispute, and what is a conflict between Knights that should be settled on the field of honour. If only all politicians would settle their scores with duels.

When Chivalry was written, all Meropis and Sapience were one continent under one banner, all its Knights united in cause and deed. Perhaps the day will come again when one state brings all the Sapient cities to heel, and a single Code again commands all the Realm's Knights. Until then, Knighthood serves several lieges and several codes, and the Guild shall rule by a Council of its peers, not the court of the mob.

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Mayan, in the year 966 AF.

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