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Public News Post #22018

The Third Sketch: "Snowstorm"

Written by: Scarlattan Taelle Starling
Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fae-folk,

Please forgive this delayed update; in the excitement following the, well, excitement, I forgot completely to share this with everyone.

I am pleased to inform you all that we have recovered a third sketch on behalf of our visitor from Meropis, Myatt. This particular sketch, depicting a snowstorm, presented a harrowing trial: enduring a cataclysmic blizzard which, at least two generations ago, ravaged the real people of Dralhu Hryre. It was a storm unlike anything they'd ever faced, and the havoc it threatened split the people between two courses of action. And because they could not come to a concord over what action to take, many perished in the storm.

The lesson here is as simple as it is brutal: united we stand, and divided we fall. It is a testament to the sheer willpower and determination of the people of Dralhu Hryre that any of them survived at all, enduring the deadly ice, wind, and cold of the storm that struck them, an the survivors took to heart the importance of cleaving to one another in dire times.

We of Sapience are a varied people. This is a land of many different beliefs, and many different truths. We are not often united, but when we are, we achieve legendary feats. United, we have seen the Worldreaver slain. United, we have seen Pazuzu defeated. United, we have come to the aid of beings vastly more powerful than we are individually, and triumphed over adversity. I do not ask that we be a united people; that would be ludicrous. I ask only that we remember what strength unity gives us in times of need.

When the sketch was retrieved and the manifested snowstorm dispelled, we found ourselves greeted by a hooded stranger. This stranger spoke cryptically, warning us of the dangers of past bitterness and resentment, urging us to contemplate the source of the magic that now befouls Myatt's work. Is it truly the work of imps? Is there something greater at play? I fear the stranger's words only raised more questions, but I know this much: united, we can overcome anything.

I wish to thank you all for your continued aid. I thank you for your continued respect for the realm of Art. And as always, I look forward to working with you in the coming days to unravel this mystery.

In Song,
Taelle Starling

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 958 AF.

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Public News Post #22018

The Third Sketch: "Snowstorm"

Written by: Scarlattan Taelle Starling
Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fae-folk,

Please forgive this delayed update; in the excitement following the, well, excitement, I forgot completely to share this with everyone.

I am pleased to inform you all that we have recovered a third sketch on behalf of our visitor from Meropis, Myatt. This particular sketch, depicting a snowstorm, presented a harrowing trial: enduring a cataclysmic blizzard which, at least two generations ago, ravaged the real people of Dralhu Hryre. It was a storm unlike anything they'd ever faced, and the havoc it threatened split the people between two courses of action. And because they could not come to a concord over what action to take, many perished in the storm.

The lesson here is as simple as it is brutal: united we stand, and divided we fall. It is a testament to the sheer willpower and determination of the people of Dralhu Hryre that any of them survived at all, enduring the deadly ice, wind, and cold of the storm that struck them, an the survivors took to heart the importance of cleaving to one another in dire times.

We of Sapience are a varied people. This is a land of many different beliefs, and many different truths. We are not often united, but when we are, we achieve legendary feats. United, we have seen the Worldreaver slain. United, we have seen Pazuzu defeated. United, we have come to the aid of beings vastly more powerful than we are individually, and triumphed over adversity. I do not ask that we be a united people; that would be ludicrous. I ask only that we remember what strength unity gives us in times of need.

When the sketch was retrieved and the manifested snowstorm dispelled, we found ourselves greeted by a hooded stranger. This stranger spoke cryptically, warning us of the dangers of past bitterness and resentment, urging us to contemplate the source of the magic that now befouls Myatt's work. Is it truly the work of imps? Is there something greater at play? I fear the stranger's words only raised more questions, but I know this much: united, we can overcome anything.

I wish to thank you all for your continued aid. I thank you for your continued respect for the realm of Art. And as always, I look forward to working with you in the coming days to unravel this mystery.

In Song,
Taelle Starling

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 958 AF.

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