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Public News Post #22016

Return Is Not Waste - Incineration Is

Written by: Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Date: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Sapience.

It appears there have been some recent misunderstandings. Annase has not had the time to reply, and so I will.

My wife is speaking of one particular Hashani; Badriyah, I believe its name is? This singular perpetrator has managed to gather almost every donation that has been so generously placed in an easily-accessible location. That is, over eight thousand roots.

Not only has this decrepit lurcher filched some roots- a forgivable offense- but also seen fit to intentionally further the Ashen Scale while screaming insults at my wife... And again last month, when things escalated to physical attacks for the SECOND time, and yet again, I am sure, in the near future. Not so forgivable.

To that Hashani,
You are profoundly stupid. You both empathized and empathize with the same being. Though you didn't quite see eye-to-eye on his end, that is certainly no reason to hold a grudge for nearly a decade.

Your efforts to further this disease bring me unease. I'm not sure whether this is a twisted effort to study it more easily or simply some genocidal infatuation, but you are now enemied to the Children of the Scale until you've paid your arrears twofold.

I will graciously wait until the end of 959 A.F. for you to spit out what your people might try to call an apology. I will be taking your head as penance, regardless. You see, I've already bought a pike, and I'd rather like your visage to be speared on it where your idiocy will be a monument of ignobility for months to come.

Never trust Hashani. Not that I ever did.

To Eleusis,
I am aware you- among others- have mailed excess burdock back to us, as your people forage more than enough for the village. You are not the subject of my wife's ire, and certainly not mine.

I thank you all, and especially Blackwillow for your efforts to mitigate the transmission rates of the Ashen Scale. You are the only settlement to regularly alert me when a citizen is infected and so I thank you sincerely, on behalf of all that have benefitted and the Children of the Scale.

To Targossass,
Your government disappoints me more and more with every bit of information I glean. Your citizens amass their unrest until they leave or revolt. You allow disease to run rampant, and actively destroy the cure.

Your Newbies have- albeit unknowingly- spread the Ashen Scale, causing most of the modern outbreaks. As a reminder; no, you do not have to be Xoran to spread this disease. It's a pity your carriers cannot carry the symptoms of their guilt. Perhaps we'd at least wipe this blight from southern Sapience if they could.


Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Great Drake of the Children of the Scale

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Chronos, in the year 958 AF.

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Public News Post #22016

Return Is Not Waste - Incineration Is

Written by: Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Date: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Sapience.

It appears there have been some recent misunderstandings. Annase has not had the time to reply, and so I will.

My wife is speaking of one particular Hashani; Badriyah, I believe its name is? This singular perpetrator has managed to gather almost every donation that has been so generously placed in an easily-accessible location. That is, over eight thousand roots.

Not only has this decrepit lurcher filched some roots- a forgivable offense- but also seen fit to intentionally further the Ashen Scale while screaming insults at my wife... And again last month, when things escalated to physical attacks for the SECOND time, and yet again, I am sure, in the near future. Not so forgivable.

To that Hashani,
You are profoundly stupid. You both empathized and empathize with the same being. Though you didn't quite see eye-to-eye on his end, that is certainly no reason to hold a grudge for nearly a decade.

Your efforts to further this disease bring me unease. I'm not sure whether this is a twisted effort to study it more easily or simply some genocidal infatuation, but you are now enemied to the Children of the Scale until you've paid your arrears twofold.

I will graciously wait until the end of 959 A.F. for you to spit out what your people might try to call an apology. I will be taking your head as penance, regardless. You see, I've already bought a pike, and I'd rather like your visage to be speared on it where your idiocy will be a monument of ignobility for months to come.

Never trust Hashani. Not that I ever did.

To Eleusis,
I am aware you- among others- have mailed excess burdock back to us, as your people forage more than enough for the village. You are not the subject of my wife's ire, and certainly not mine.

I thank you all, and especially Blackwillow for your efforts to mitigate the transmission rates of the Ashen Scale. You are the only settlement to regularly alert me when a citizen is infected and so I thank you sincerely, on behalf of all that have benefitted and the Children of the Scale.

To Targossass,
Your government disappoints me more and more with every bit of information I glean. Your citizens amass their unrest until they leave or revolt. You allow disease to run rampant, and actively destroy the cure.

Your Newbies have- albeit unknowingly- spread the Ashen Scale, causing most of the modern outbreaks. As a reminder; no, you do not have to be Xoran to spread this disease. It's a pity your carriers cannot carry the symptoms of their guilt. Perhaps we'd at least wipe this blight from southern Sapience if they could.


Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Great Drake of the Children of the Scale

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Chronos, in the year 958 AF.

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