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Public News Post #22002

Scouting for Sketches

Written by: Scarlattan Taelle Starling
Date: Monday, October 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fae-folk,

As many of you are already no doubt aware, Sapience has been graced by a young artist from Meropis earlier this month. Hailing from a previously unknown village of Dralhu Hryre, the artist Myatt had scarce set foot on our shores when she was beset upon by imps and robbed of her sketchbook.

First, one must note the sentimental value of the stolen sketchbook. Myatt, as an artist, poured a lifetime of work into those stolen sketches. Her work is rare in Dralhu Hryre, where Art itself is approached with a concentration and intensity of purpose seldom seen in Sapience. Her work was intended as an offering to our own Lord Bard, for indeed, Myatt was en route to Caer Witrin in sacred pilgrimage when she was waylaid.

Secondly, we come to the practical importance of these stolen sketches. There is power in Myatt's work. There is great skill and care in Myatt's work, yes, but there is something greater to them as well, and the imps that took the sketches from Myatt intend to work malignant magic upon them, twisting their purpose and fouling their essence. This is a travesty not only upon Art, but on Creation itself. We do not yet know how these magics will impact the world, but we have glimpsed danger as the imps' spells rained black lightning from the sky with Myatt's sketches as their foci.

And so, I come to the crux of this posting: we will need your help. Whatever trials conjured by the imps' doings and Myatts works, we must overcome them and, ideally, recover the nine sketches stolen from this visiting artist. We have proven ourselves to be worthy hosts to foreign visitors before, and I pray that we may do so again--not only to preserve the dignity of our lands, but to protect them from whatsoever may be conjured by the imps. Myatt is presently staying in the Wander Inn, and may be contacted if you find anything out about her missing sketches.

I would like to extend my thanks to Cyrene and Hashan at this time, as they have already pledged their aid to this cause. I would also like to thank Ashtan for hosting Myatt and pledging her protection in New Thera. Many individuals have already, albeit uneasily, set aside differences to work together to this cause, and I commend the spirit of camaraderie sparking flame at this moment.

Please feel free to reach out to myself or Darona regarding the events that transpired upon Myatt's arrival, or if you learn anything of import regarding this situation. Please also share information freely amongst each other, so that we might better coordinate when it comes time to act.

Thank you, Sapience. I trust many of you to aid us in this endeavour. I look forward to working with you all.

In Song,
Taelle Starling

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Phaestian, in the year 958 AF.

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Public News Post #22002

Scouting for Sketches

Written by: Scarlattan Taelle Starling
Date: Monday, October 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Fae-folk,

As many of you are already no doubt aware, Sapience has been graced by a young artist from Meropis earlier this month. Hailing from a previously unknown village of Dralhu Hryre, the artist Myatt had scarce set foot on our shores when she was beset upon by imps and robbed of her sketchbook.

First, one must note the sentimental value of the stolen sketchbook. Myatt, as an artist, poured a lifetime of work into those stolen sketches. Her work is rare in Dralhu Hryre, where Art itself is approached with a concentration and intensity of purpose seldom seen in Sapience. Her work was intended as an offering to our own Lord Bard, for indeed, Myatt was en route to Caer Witrin in sacred pilgrimage when she was waylaid.

Secondly, we come to the practical importance of these stolen sketches. There is power in Myatt's work. There is great skill and care in Myatt's work, yes, but there is something greater to them as well, and the imps that took the sketches from Myatt intend to work malignant magic upon them, twisting their purpose and fouling their essence. This is a travesty not only upon Art, but on Creation itself. We do not yet know how these magics will impact the world, but we have glimpsed danger as the imps' spells rained black lightning from the sky with Myatt's sketches as their foci.

And so, I come to the crux of this posting: we will need your help. Whatever trials conjured by the imps' doings and Myatts works, we must overcome them and, ideally, recover the nine sketches stolen from this visiting artist. We have proven ourselves to be worthy hosts to foreign visitors before, and I pray that we may do so again--not only to preserve the dignity of our lands, but to protect them from whatsoever may be conjured by the imps. Myatt is presently staying in the Wander Inn, and may be contacted if you find anything out about her missing sketches.

I would like to extend my thanks to Cyrene and Hashan at this time, as they have already pledged their aid to this cause. I would also like to thank Ashtan for hosting Myatt and pledging her protection in New Thera. Many individuals have already, albeit uneasily, set aside differences to work together to this cause, and I commend the spirit of camaraderie sparking flame at this moment.

Please feel free to reach out to myself or Darona regarding the events that transpired upon Myatt's arrival, or if you learn anything of import regarding this situation. Please also share information freely amongst each other, so that we might better coordinate when it comes time to act.

Thank you, Sapience. I trust many of you to aid us in this endeavour. I look forward to working with you all.

In Song,
Taelle Starling

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Phaestian, in the year 958 AF.

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