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Public News Post #21917

An apology to the Guild of Knights and to the Knight Arbiter

Written by: Quester Pleak Stormsong, of the Wolf
Date: Thursday, June 20th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


The longer you wait to remedy a past mistake, the more its story is retold and the myth of its vileness is allowed to grow. I let this issue fester for three decades, without realising the proportions by which it had grown. This myth is what I now must make up for, rather than the initial mistake. Let this be a start.

Guild of Knights, I am sorry for my past public critique, nearly all both dumb and unfounded.

Three decades ago I wrote, here on public (For reference: #21613), a text involving several personal insults at Ser Aerek. We had our conflicts, but my words were unjust and untrue. For this I apologise.

In the same post I criticise knights fighting and the defense of vines in an unfair way - a conflict I have switched sides in, but that nonetheless remains an open debate for both sides. I specifically jabbed at members of the Guild in this post. For this I apologise.

Ending the post, I made a mockery of the very essence of Knighthood, chivalry. I do not stand for what I said back then. I deeply apologise for the attack this was at the Guild.

I reacted poorly upon being laughed out of the Guild of Knights prior to this. As I am now, a lot but not always, a Jester, I must appreciate the scene I made. I apologise for taking offense.

A few years after this, I again voiced critique or questions upon the Guild based on a tournament between Knights and Dragons (For reference: #21658). The question about Knights and Classes might have been slightly relevant at the time however my demand upon the Guild to formulate a definition of themselves, something that they already had, was unjust of me and not a demand I were in place to make. For this too I apologise.

A few responses were made to the above, and I did do a final post in (For reference: #21661) where I personaly insult Ser Aerek and Sir Aodfionn. I had no cause to and I was incorrect in many things. For this too I apologise to both Ser Aerek and Sir Aodfionn.

Finally, I wore the title of "Knight Apostle" for a while, in spite of and without being part of the Guild. For this too I apologise.

I express merely a wish: that any member of the Knights Guild that are blinded by past actions so they cannot see the man I am today - challenge me, by word, deed, or sword. Voice your concerns or let them fall from our memories.


Pleak Stormsong
Apprentice Gentleman

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Scarlatan, in the year 949 AF.

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Public News Post #21917

An apology to the Guild of Knights and to the Knight Arbiter

Written by: Quester Pleak Stormsong, of the Wolf
Date: Thursday, June 20th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


The longer you wait to remedy a past mistake, the more its story is retold and the myth of its vileness is allowed to grow. I let this issue fester for three decades, without realising the proportions by which it had grown. This myth is what I now must make up for, rather than the initial mistake. Let this be a start.

Guild of Knights, I am sorry for my past public critique, nearly all both dumb and unfounded.

Three decades ago I wrote, here on public (For reference: #21613), a text involving several personal insults at Ser Aerek. We had our conflicts, but my words were unjust and untrue. For this I apologise.

In the same post I criticise knights fighting and the defense of vines in an unfair way - a conflict I have switched sides in, but that nonetheless remains an open debate for both sides. I specifically jabbed at members of the Guild in this post. For this I apologise.

Ending the post, I made a mockery of the very essence of Knighthood, chivalry. I do not stand for what I said back then. I deeply apologise for the attack this was at the Guild.

I reacted poorly upon being laughed out of the Guild of Knights prior to this. As I am now, a lot but not always, a Jester, I must appreciate the scene I made. I apologise for taking offense.

A few years after this, I again voiced critique or questions upon the Guild based on a tournament between Knights and Dragons (For reference: #21658). The question about Knights and Classes might have been slightly relevant at the time however my demand upon the Guild to formulate a definition of themselves, something that they already had, was unjust of me and not a demand I were in place to make. For this too I apologise.

A few responses were made to the above, and I did do a final post in (For reference: #21661) where I personaly insult Ser Aerek and Sir Aodfionn. I had no cause to and I was incorrect in many things. For this too I apologise to both Ser Aerek and Sir Aodfionn.

Finally, I wore the title of "Knight Apostle" for a while, in spite of and without being part of the Guild. For this too I apologise.

I express merely a wish: that any member of the Knights Guild that are blinded by past actions so they cannot see the man I am today - challenge me, by word, deed, or sword. Voice your concerns or let them fall from our memories.


Pleak Stormsong
Apprentice Gentleman

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Scarlatan, in the year 949 AF.

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