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Public News Post #21915

Regarding the proposal of Druidess Jems

Written by: Saelily
Date: Sunday, June 16th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Dear Jems,

Your idea is novel on the surface, but I am hard-pressed to find it truly genuine. This reeks of political manoeuvring and deceptive word play. My apologies if I am wrong as I do not know your heart and nothing has led me to think this beyond my own generic biases regarding Mhaldorian motives. The generally forthright traditions of your current home imply I should look past this, so my response here will assume you wrote in good faith.

I have been a rogue my entire life and a Sentinel for the overwhelming majority of it. In my honest opinion, rogue forestals do not need representation. We receive enough acceptance to live in peace. Even when Eleusis refused to teach me the Sentinel arts unless I joined them, Drake saw fit to declare them short-sighted and taught me anyways. I would like to think he was wise in this decision, and I wager most of those who have since gotten to know me would agree. Those who know me, especially amongst my cousins in Eleusis, know well that I am passively heretical towards, openly questioning of, and yet solidly devout to, their stated goals. Nature is the chief maintainer of Creation. Mortals are the other side of this coin.

I'm sure my outspoken nature on the nature of Nature has caused some strife, but on the whole, I have never been punished for such. Nor have I heard of any other rogue forestal being punished for genuine discourse. I have told several High Wardens they are mistaken on several key points and faced no more than a few snide remarks and ultimately ineffectual backroom discussions.

I face the same judgments in Targossas despite being an ally to All of Creation.

I face the same judgments in Cyrene despite being a strong proponent of the Arts and civil centrism.

I face the same judgments in Hashan despite being a supporter of all mortal efforts to improve themselves and our world, without Divine dependencies.

I face the same judgments in Mhaldor despite believing, and openly stating, that the Seven Truths hold valuable insight into the methodological functioning of mortal minds and bodies.

I do not face such in Ashtan, largely because the city of my birth is no more aware of my existence than it exists itself. Both of these aspects are by design and are not intended to offend.

All of these things are mine to bear by my own choices. That is how the world ought to work, especially for those of us choosing the Rogue's Way. I do not intend to insult your years, nor whatever goals you have in mind, but I do believe my unending roguery to be far more reliable than citizenship in any city.

All this said, I will put forward my name to represent any rogue, grandfathered forestal or city-folk who feel they need an active voice to defend against the supposed limitations imposed by Eleusis. Just because I have not witnessed such myself does not necessarily mean you are incorrect, after all.


Student and Servant of All, Divine and Mortal alike

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Sarapin, in the year 949 AF.

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Public News Post #21915

Regarding the proposal of Druidess Jems

Written by: Saelily
Date: Sunday, June 16th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Dear Jems,

Your idea is novel on the surface, but I am hard-pressed to find it truly genuine. This reeks of political manoeuvring and deceptive word play. My apologies if I am wrong as I do not know your heart and nothing has led me to think this beyond my own generic biases regarding Mhaldorian motives. The generally forthright traditions of your current home imply I should look past this, so my response here will assume you wrote in good faith.

I have been a rogue my entire life and a Sentinel for the overwhelming majority of it. In my honest opinion, rogue forestals do not need representation. We receive enough acceptance to live in peace. Even when Eleusis refused to teach me the Sentinel arts unless I joined them, Drake saw fit to declare them short-sighted and taught me anyways. I would like to think he was wise in this decision, and I wager most of those who have since gotten to know me would agree. Those who know me, especially amongst my cousins in Eleusis, know well that I am passively heretical towards, openly questioning of, and yet solidly devout to, their stated goals. Nature is the chief maintainer of Creation. Mortals are the other side of this coin.

I'm sure my outspoken nature on the nature of Nature has caused some strife, but on the whole, I have never been punished for such. Nor have I heard of any other rogue forestal being punished for genuine discourse. I have told several High Wardens they are mistaken on several key points and faced no more than a few snide remarks and ultimately ineffectual backroom discussions.

I face the same judgments in Targossas despite being an ally to All of Creation.

I face the same judgments in Cyrene despite being a strong proponent of the Arts and civil centrism.

I face the same judgments in Hashan despite being a supporter of all mortal efforts to improve themselves and our world, without Divine dependencies.

I face the same judgments in Mhaldor despite believing, and openly stating, that the Seven Truths hold valuable insight into the methodological functioning of mortal minds and bodies.

I do not face such in Ashtan, largely because the city of my birth is no more aware of my existence than it exists itself. Both of these aspects are by design and are not intended to offend.

All of these things are mine to bear by my own choices. That is how the world ought to work, especially for those of us choosing the Rogue's Way. I do not intend to insult your years, nor whatever goals you have in mind, but I do believe my unending roguery to be far more reliable than citizenship in any city.

All this said, I will put forward my name to represent any rogue, grandfathered forestal or city-folk who feel they need an active voice to defend against the supposed limitations imposed by Eleusis. Just because I have not witnessed such myself does not necessarily mean you are incorrect, after all.


Student and Servant of All, Divine and Mortal alike

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Sarapin, in the year 949 AF.

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