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Public News Post #21892

Regarding Hashani Devotion

Written by: Solishan, Initiate of Innovation
Date: Friday, May 31st, 2024
Addressed to: Warlord Ulvin Devi, Squire of Sir Archaeon

So what?

Hashan is a city that has always fought for progress. I've read texts and heard the stories of our history. Even in the beginning, we were beset by enemies seeking to stifle our growth and it was Lord Twilgiht, Lady Valnurana, and Lady Ourania who came to our aid. Now we've passed and revised a stance of protecting the shrines of those who were there in our time of need. That's not so different from protecting a citizen from external assault. What Warlord Devi failed to mention, however, was that the rule as written was immediately revised following citizen input. That's what Hashan does. What it always has done. What it will continue to do. Progress.

There is no rule forcing subservience to Lord Twilight in Hashan. That's explicitly disallowed. Everyone is free to worship who they want. Personally, I offer my sacrifices to Lord Twilight. Not because the Regency or Seneschal Nezaya told me I had to, but because I have chosen to worship Lord Twilight in that way.

I find an Ashtani lecturing us on religious freedom laughable at best. Perhaps your time would be best spent reflecting on your own cities zealotry before decrying Hashan's support of one of our divine patrons. Especially when said support is not even demanded of Hashani citizens and rather only requested.

Initiate of Innovation,
Solishan Gloambourne

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Chronos, in the year 947 AF.

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Public News Post #21892

Regarding Hashani Devotion

Written by: Solishan, Initiate of Innovation
Date: Friday, May 31st, 2024
Addressed to: Warlord Ulvin Devi, Squire of Sir Archaeon

So what?

Hashan is a city that has always fought for progress. I've read texts and heard the stories of our history. Even in the beginning, we were beset by enemies seeking to stifle our growth and it was Lord Twilgiht, Lady Valnurana, and Lady Ourania who came to our aid. Now we've passed and revised a stance of protecting the shrines of those who were there in our time of need. That's not so different from protecting a citizen from external assault. What Warlord Devi failed to mention, however, was that the rule as written was immediately revised following citizen input. That's what Hashan does. What it always has done. What it will continue to do. Progress.

There is no rule forcing subservience to Lord Twilight in Hashan. That's explicitly disallowed. Everyone is free to worship who they want. Personally, I offer my sacrifices to Lord Twilight. Not because the Regency or Seneschal Nezaya told me I had to, but because I have chosen to worship Lord Twilight in that way.

I find an Ashtani lecturing us on religious freedom laughable at best. Perhaps your time would be best spent reflecting on your own cities zealotry before decrying Hashan's support of one of our divine patrons. Especially when said support is not even demanded of Hashani citizens and rather only requested.

Initiate of Innovation,
Solishan Gloambourne

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Chronos, in the year 947 AF.

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