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Public News Post #21882

Clarifications on Chivalry

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

I do not concern myself with flyting shouts between warring parties.

I do not concern myself with regulating battles of Conquest or sanctioned raids, where declared wars are not always fair.

I do not condone petty insults or vulgar language, but nor will I spend much time on such minor infractions.

I *do* expect that a Knight shall resolve conflicts with a fair challenge, and to accept a fair challenge in return. I expect that a single such battle shall resolve a simmering dispute, and both parties should go about their day. I expect my Knights to show sportsmanship, and to show good faith to their foes. They shall give you a chance to show your own good honour, so the world may become more honourable. If my Knights fail to do this, they shall answer for it.

But know, Sapience, if a Knight offers a fair challenge for fair cause, and that fair challenge is refused, the Guild will not shield you from the consequence of that choice. If you choose to ambush a Knight with greater numbers, the Guild will not shield you from the consequence of that choice. If a Knight attempts good faith and is met with bad faith, the Guild will not shield you from the consequence of that choice. We are honourable, but we are not fools. Do not complain to me if the hardships you face from a Knight stem from your own dishonour.

In honour eternal,
Ser Aerek Ancyrion

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Ero, in the year 947 AF.

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Public News Post #21882

Clarifications on Chivalry

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Tuesday, May 28th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

I do not concern myself with flyting shouts between warring parties.

I do not concern myself with regulating battles of Conquest or sanctioned raids, where declared wars are not always fair.

I do not condone petty insults or vulgar language, but nor will I spend much time on such minor infractions.

I *do* expect that a Knight shall resolve conflicts with a fair challenge, and to accept a fair challenge in return. I expect that a single such battle shall resolve a simmering dispute, and both parties should go about their day. I expect my Knights to show sportsmanship, and to show good faith to their foes. They shall give you a chance to show your own good honour, so the world may become more honourable. If my Knights fail to do this, they shall answer for it.

But know, Sapience, if a Knight offers a fair challenge for fair cause, and that fair challenge is refused, the Guild will not shield you from the consequence of that choice. If you choose to ambush a Knight with greater numbers, the Guild will not shield you from the consequence of that choice. If a Knight attempts good faith and is met with bad faith, the Guild will not shield you from the consequence of that choice. We are honourable, but we are not fools. Do not complain to me if the hardships you face from a Knight stem from your own dishonour.

In honour eternal,
Ser Aerek Ancyrion

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Ero, in the year 947 AF.

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