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Public News Post #21880

Matters of Horticulture

Written by: Seneschal Nezaya Visindi, Witch
Date: Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Rowan Argwin Meraki, the Gaian Devil

What fires are you seeking to put out in the Brass Lantern Inn?

The Watchers of Night are an investigative organization, this is true. Think of them more like journalists - they record world happenings, generally of the sort that all people would see. They also record things like the departure or arrival of prominent adventurers to various organizational membership rosters. But we have nothing like the vine network and nothing capable of listening to conversations that occur all throughout the world at whim with more precision than the Membrane. The implication that we spy on all the world like you do is false, because we would, but lack the ability.

I'm kinda jealous. The way you guys talk endlessly about how useless the information it gives is, the more I certain I am that you squander the best intelligence tool in the world. That or the protests are a fabrication, and I suspect the latter.

I've gotten snark from Eleusians about the quests I do, or inquiries about some things I say. I cannot travel without my steps being passively recorded. I had to remove them from the Grotto of Song when I prayed to Lord Scarlatti and I simply do not know why you would want to listen to that. Then again, Sirens have lovely voices, but I promise I have no talent as a songwriter.

I am well aware you are listening and watching. What you have is something akin to a global Mindnet and a person would have to be pretty naive to not see the value of that.

Is there some benefit to the rest of the world to trust that you have their best intentions at heart? That they should simply accept your flagrant lack of respect for their wishes as you graffiti sacred places beyond their walls with naught for assurance but 'trust me bro'?

It would cost you nothing to limit the scale of these, except for their value as a tool for espionage. There are no forest fires in the Mhojave. Not a single one in Moghedu.

In closing, seriously, stop papering these vines across inns and other such places. It's really weird. Rest assured that these places are low-priority for our gardeners so while we will get to it eventually it's far more important that we engage in counter-espionage in settlements and places of veneration. Tell the people growing them that putting them in bedrooms is still really creepy and kind of a bad look. It would certainly help with your complaints about being forced to listen to intimate moments.

Countess Nezaya Visindi
Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Daedalan, in the year 947 AF.

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Public News Post #21880

Matters of Horticulture

Written by: Seneschal Nezaya Visindi, Witch
Date: Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Rowan Argwin Meraki, the Gaian Devil

What fires are you seeking to put out in the Brass Lantern Inn?

The Watchers of Night are an investigative organization, this is true. Think of them more like journalists - they record world happenings, generally of the sort that all people would see. They also record things like the departure or arrival of prominent adventurers to various organizational membership rosters. But we have nothing like the vine network and nothing capable of listening to conversations that occur all throughout the world at whim with more precision than the Membrane. The implication that we spy on all the world like you do is false, because we would, but lack the ability.

I'm kinda jealous. The way you guys talk endlessly about how useless the information it gives is, the more I certain I am that you squander the best intelligence tool in the world. That or the protests are a fabrication, and I suspect the latter.

I've gotten snark from Eleusians about the quests I do, or inquiries about some things I say. I cannot travel without my steps being passively recorded. I had to remove them from the Grotto of Song when I prayed to Lord Scarlatti and I simply do not know why you would want to listen to that. Then again, Sirens have lovely voices, but I promise I have no talent as a songwriter.

I am well aware you are listening and watching. What you have is something akin to a global Mindnet and a person would have to be pretty naive to not see the value of that.

Is there some benefit to the rest of the world to trust that you have their best intentions at heart? That they should simply accept your flagrant lack of respect for their wishes as you graffiti sacred places beyond their walls with naught for assurance but 'trust me bro'?

It would cost you nothing to limit the scale of these, except for their value as a tool for espionage. There are no forest fires in the Mhojave. Not a single one in Moghedu.

In closing, seriously, stop papering these vines across inns and other such places. It's really weird. Rest assured that these places are low-priority for our gardeners so while we will get to it eventually it's far more important that we engage in counter-espionage in settlements and places of veneration. Tell the people growing them that putting them in bedrooms is still really creepy and kind of a bad look. It would certainly help with your complaints about being forced to listen to intimate moments.

Countess Nezaya Visindi
Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Daedalan, in the year 947 AF.

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