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Public News Post #21877

Burdock Donations of 947 AF

Written by: Librarian Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux
Date: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello, everyone!

As the new year starts, you know I wouldn't be me if I didn't run across Sapience harvesting and donating burdock roots. I also heard there was another outbreak of the Xorani disease, so please take care and eat your roots.

If you're not entirely sure what I'm talking about, please feel free to read Public News Post #21768 and #21776. You can always ask your friends and mentors for more information and history, too.

Ashtan: Parapets above the Gate of Ashtan
Cyrene: Centre Crossing
Jaru: Within a renovated chapel
Hashan: The Crossroads
Mhaldor: Mailed to Khaalith Antoninus Nithilar, Commandant of the Baelgrim
Targossas: Main building of the university

Remember, I'm still willing to sponsor anyone who comes up with an alternative cure or a way to eradicate the illness for good. I'm no rich by any means, but my savings are pretty seizable and growing every day.

A burdock a year keeps the illness away!
Librarian Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux Si'Talvace
Curator of Comedy.

PS: As a little note for Eleusis' speaker, Treyal Wintermourne, I just wanted to say that I hope you don't "educate" your village in the same way you tried to "educate" me. I was very clearly confused and wanted to be safe, and surely you'll understand why I don't feel particularly safe in your village, especially on my own. A friend of mine, however, found it very amusing that you did not acknowledge the fact that three or four guys stole from my vault. I was going to slowly give away those roots anyway, so I truly don't get what it was all about.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Sarapin, in the year 947 AF.

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Public News Post #21877

Burdock Donations of 947 AF

Written by: Librarian Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux
Date: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello, everyone!

As the new year starts, you know I wouldn't be me if I didn't run across Sapience harvesting and donating burdock roots. I also heard there was another outbreak of the Xorani disease, so please take care and eat your roots.

If you're not entirely sure what I'm talking about, please feel free to read Public News Post #21768 and #21776. You can always ask your friends and mentors for more information and history, too.

Ashtan: Parapets above the Gate of Ashtan
Cyrene: Centre Crossing
Jaru: Within a renovated chapel
Hashan: The Crossroads
Mhaldor: Mailed to Khaalith Antoninus Nithilar, Commandant of the Baelgrim
Targossas: Main building of the university

Remember, I'm still willing to sponsor anyone who comes up with an alternative cure or a way to eradicate the illness for good. I'm no rich by any means, but my savings are pretty seizable and growing every day.

A burdock a year keeps the illness away!
Librarian Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux Si'Talvace
Curator of Comedy.

PS: As a little note for Eleusis' speaker, Treyal Wintermourne, I just wanted to say that I hope you don't "educate" your village in the same way you tried to "educate" me. I was very clearly confused and wanted to be safe, and surely you'll understand why I don't feel particularly safe in your village, especially on my own. A friend of mine, however, found it very amusing that you did not acknowledge the fact that three or four guys stole from my vault. I was going to slowly give away those roots anyway, so I truly don't get what it was all about.

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Sarapin, in the year 947 AF.

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