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Public News Post #21772


Written by: Khalasian Wanderer, Asmodron Dicondron, Herald of Progress
Date: Friday, January 19th, 2024
Addressed to: Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux


I was willing to ignore your theatrics and need for attention here, but it seems you've gone ahead and tried to besmirch my creation, and for that, I feel it is only fair I respond and perhaps give you a lesson your betters lacked to instil within you.

1 - You speak of "throwing stones". I daresay, after reading your post proclaiming the grandness of your lover, I couldn't help but think, is the disease he carries indeed from the Xoran plague? Or perhaps from his constant visits to brothels and private establishments? Indeed, the very fact we caught him physically abusing one of the higher-end courtesans in Hashan who was simply attempting to make a living, only made me feel somewhat pity for what you must go through...or what he may have passed on to you.

2 - Tantrums are not science; they are simply stupid.

3 - My lab was constructed for the purpose of bringing forth innovation and discovery to an age that lost so much after the fall of Seleucar. It is for bright minds and potential-filled spirits to bring about a greater tomorrow. You currently do not fit these qualities; thus, you are not permitted entry as is.

4- You lost the best chance of being of use and helping the Xoran population you proclaim to be in such a dreadful state over. From all I've seen, this is not about them but about you and your amusement.

5- No, you are not special, humorous, or cunning. No matter what R, T, B, I, triangle, squiggle or otherwise have informed you. Once you realize this, you may grow towards some form of potential.

You may find these words harsh. If so, then good. You may hopefully grow from it.

Asmodron Dicondron

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Daedalan, in the year 937 AF.

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Public News Post #21772


Written by: Khalasian Wanderer, Asmodron Dicondron, Herald of Progress
Date: Friday, January 19th, 2024
Addressed to: Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux


I was willing to ignore your theatrics and need for attention here, but it seems you've gone ahead and tried to besmirch my creation, and for that, I feel it is only fair I respond and perhaps give you a lesson your betters lacked to instil within you.

1 - You speak of "throwing stones". I daresay, after reading your post proclaiming the grandness of your lover, I couldn't help but think, is the disease he carries indeed from the Xoran plague? Or perhaps from his constant visits to brothels and private establishments? Indeed, the very fact we caught him physically abusing one of the higher-end courtesans in Hashan who was simply attempting to make a living, only made me feel somewhat pity for what you must go through...or what he may have passed on to you.

2 - Tantrums are not science; they are simply stupid.

3 - My lab was constructed for the purpose of bringing forth innovation and discovery to an age that lost so much after the fall of Seleucar. It is for bright minds and potential-filled spirits to bring about a greater tomorrow. You currently do not fit these qualities; thus, you are not permitted entry as is.

4- You lost the best chance of being of use and helping the Xoran population you proclaim to be in such a dreadful state over. From all I've seen, this is not about them but about you and your amusement.

5- No, you are not special, humorous, or cunning. No matter what R, T, B, I, triangle, squiggle or otherwise have informed you. Once you realize this, you may grow towards some form of potential.

You may find these words harsh. If so, then good. You may hopefully grow from it.

Asmodron Dicondron

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Daedalan, in the year 937 AF.

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