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Public News Post #21760

My pledge

Written by: Turan, Guardian Apprentice
Date: Sunday, January 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


I have spent far too much time sheltered within the confines of Guardian Headquarters, shielded due to my youth. That changes now.

I bore witness to the senseless and ruthless massacre of my kin at the hands of your kind. I observed as Guardians valiantly came to their aid while showing you the mercy you denied the mhun by offering you warning after warning.

Your heartlessness has only fueled my determination to complete my training, to emerge as a full Guardian and contribute to the protection of my people. For, while I may have been born outside of these halls, these are my kin, my blood. My father, Sir Temelin, fights tirelessly on the frontlines and I look forward to the day where I can defend alongside him.

Moghedu stands strong. We are resilient, unwavering in the face of your brutality.

Our sovereignty under the Great Mhunna will be defended at all costs.

Soon, I will swear my Guardian oath and, mark my words, I will avenge the blood you have spilt, for we are not animals to be "hunted", we are a people of legacy and pride. A people that most of you know pitifully little about. A people that will stand united against your incursions.

Guardian Apprentice

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Chronos, in the year 936 AF.

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Public News Post #21760

My pledge

Written by: Turan, Guardian Apprentice
Date: Sunday, January 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone


I have spent far too much time sheltered within the confines of Guardian Headquarters, shielded due to my youth. That changes now.

I bore witness to the senseless and ruthless massacre of my kin at the hands of your kind. I observed as Guardians valiantly came to their aid while showing you the mercy you denied the mhun by offering you warning after warning.

Your heartlessness has only fueled my determination to complete my training, to emerge as a full Guardian and contribute to the protection of my people. For, while I may have been born outside of these halls, these are my kin, my blood. My father, Sir Temelin, fights tirelessly on the frontlines and I look forward to the day where I can defend alongside him.

Moghedu stands strong. We are resilient, unwavering in the face of your brutality.

Our sovereignty under the Great Mhunna will be defended at all costs.

Soon, I will swear my Guardian oath and, mark my words, I will avenge the blood you have spilt, for we are not animals to be "hunted", we are a people of legacy and pride. A people that most of you know pitifully little about. A people that will stand united against your incursions.

Guardian Apprentice

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Chronos, in the year 936 AF.

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