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Public News Post #21744


Written by: Saelily
Date: Sunday, December 24th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Merry Logosmas-Eve, Sapience!

The Seamstress Mafia has once again decided that no hands or feet (or claws/hooves/fins/tentacles/what have you) should be cold and giftless this Logosmas.

Across the lands you will find happy little stockings with some warmth for everyone we've seen over the past few years.

If we missed your name, please don't be too shy to reach out us!
Logosmas goes until the Vault turns!

Targossians, Hashani and Ashtani should be able to find them in their respective cities, following a mostly centralised pattern along the main road.

Eleusians go from the Great Oak to the riverside woodlands past the gate.

Rogues are around Delos.

Due to layout difficulties and existing stockings:

Cyrenians will find theirs skirting, or within Lake Muurn,
clockwise from the beach.

Mhaldorians should search the highway leading towards His Isle.

If you recently moved, we may have misplaced yours near your old home, sorry!
Attempts were made to keep them roughly alphabetical.
Attempts were failed in many cases.

If you see one for a friend, we've left space for you to add something!
A little personal love is far warmer than some new mittens, after all!

Merry Logosmas to All!


Saelily, Archaesthete of the Seamstress Mafia
Baroness Sylvi Wineapple of Wineapple Industries

Special thanks to:

Dinghy Din-Dins, and Skye,
for making an obnoxious number of truffles on short notice,

Ar'kena Aromatics for logistical advisement and tracking services,

Wineapple Industries,
A newly-acquired subsidiary of the Seamstress Mafia,
for being painfully adorable and highly supportive,

and especially to Makesh, for not murdering me or my skunks.

(Disclaimer: Our legal team has advised us to state that we are in no way attempting to "cut in on the turf" of Ironbeard the generous and joyous. All complaints should be directed to the HoHoHo Society's operating ethos, under which we function seasonally.)

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Sarapin, in the year 935 AF.

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Public News Post #21744


Written by: Saelily
Date: Sunday, December 24th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Merry Logosmas-Eve, Sapience!

The Seamstress Mafia has once again decided that no hands or feet (or claws/hooves/fins/tentacles/what have you) should be cold and giftless this Logosmas.

Across the lands you will find happy little stockings with some warmth for everyone we've seen over the past few years.

If we missed your name, please don't be too shy to reach out us!
Logosmas goes until the Vault turns!

Targossians, Hashani and Ashtani should be able to find them in their respective cities, following a mostly centralised pattern along the main road.

Eleusians go from the Great Oak to the riverside woodlands past the gate.

Rogues are around Delos.

Due to layout difficulties and existing stockings:

Cyrenians will find theirs skirting, or within Lake Muurn,
clockwise from the beach.

Mhaldorians should search the highway leading towards His Isle.

If you recently moved, we may have misplaced yours near your old home, sorry!
Attempts were made to keep them roughly alphabetical.
Attempts were failed in many cases.

If you see one for a friend, we've left space for you to add something!
A little personal love is far warmer than some new mittens, after all!

Merry Logosmas to All!


Saelily, Archaesthete of the Seamstress Mafia
Baroness Sylvi Wineapple of Wineapple Industries

Special thanks to:

Dinghy Din-Dins, and Skye,
for making an obnoxious number of truffles on short notice,

Ar'kena Aromatics for logistical advisement and tracking services,

Wineapple Industries,
A newly-acquired subsidiary of the Seamstress Mafia,
for being painfully adorable and highly supportive,

and especially to Makesh, for not murdering me or my skunks.

(Disclaimer: Our legal team has advised us to state that we are in no way attempting to "cut in on the turf" of Ironbeard the generous and joyous. All complaints should be directed to the HoHoHo Society's operating ethos, under which we function seasonally.)

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Sarapin, in the year 935 AF.

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