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Public News Post #21738

A Modest Exhibit

Written by: Squire Aina Darke-Ashaela
Date: Thursday, December 7th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone


With humility, I cordially extend an invitation to attend a modest exhibition I will be undertaking on the 20th Glacian, or approximately one day after Serenade of this upcoming Glacian.

The location of said exhibition is to be the garden within Scarlatti's Theatre in Delos, a suitably neutral place for any and all comers irrespective of any interests or dogma that guides you.

I shall be showcasing three newly completed pieces from my collection of nightmares, after which I shall be accepting queries, discussions, mockery, critiques, and other some such that the general audience feels warranted.

Refreshments shall be provided on request.

Squire of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Phaestian, in the year 933 AF.

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Public News Post #21738

A Modest Exhibit

Written by: Squire Aina Darke-Ashaela
Date: Thursday, December 7th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone


With humility, I cordially extend an invitation to attend a modest exhibition I will be undertaking on the 20th Glacian, or approximately one day after Serenade of this upcoming Glacian.

The location of said exhibition is to be the garden within Scarlatti's Theatre in Delos, a suitably neutral place for any and all comers irrespective of any interests or dogma that guides you.

I shall be showcasing three newly completed pieces from my collection of nightmares, after which I shall be accepting queries, discussions, mockery, critiques, and other some such that the general audience feels warranted.

Refreshments shall be provided on request.

Squire of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Phaestian, in the year 933 AF.

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