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Public News Post #21572


Written by: Tenderfoot Elyon Wineapple
Date: Saturday, April 29th, 2023
Addressed to: Ambassador Ulvin Devi, Solon of Ascension

Ulvin, for what it's worth you could have stopped at I cannot claim wisdom and experience for much of the same effect.

Half of this you've made up and the other half is at the very best complete ignorance.

To your dismay, Elyon, Twilight is not the only power in Creation. - Gold star for observation.

Yet instead of recognizing Him very clearly as the God of everything untrue and deceitful, you decided that His Great Work must actually be a return to the natural order," - Didn't say this.

You managed to recognize the God of Darkness' guile and deceitfulness, - You contradict the previous statement.

All of His plots and manipulations are unquestionably just a means for this goal - Also didn't say this, though it is a safe bet to assume that is one has a goal that they would make some machinations as to reach it.

The words were intended provoke some rational thought over whether or not you were going to be able to get your Ascension if all of Creation disappears. Be my guest if you wish to play silly games and win silly prizes, even I would be at least a little grateful for Oblivion if it rids me of having to deal with posts like these.

Your pal


Penned by my hand on the 18th of Mayan, in the year 915 AF.

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Public News Post #21572


Written by: Tenderfoot Elyon Wineapple
Date: Saturday, April 29th, 2023
Addressed to: Ambassador Ulvin Devi, Solon of Ascension

Ulvin, for what it's worth you could have stopped at I cannot claim wisdom and experience for much of the same effect.

Half of this you've made up and the other half is at the very best complete ignorance.

To your dismay, Elyon, Twilight is not the only power in Creation. - Gold star for observation.

Yet instead of recognizing Him very clearly as the God of everything untrue and deceitful, you decided that His Great Work must actually be a return to the natural order," - Didn't say this.

You managed to recognize the God of Darkness' guile and deceitfulness, - You contradict the previous statement.

All of His plots and manipulations are unquestionably just a means for this goal - Also didn't say this, though it is a safe bet to assume that is one has a goal that they would make some machinations as to reach it.

The words were intended provoke some rational thought over whether or not you were going to be able to get your Ascension if all of Creation disappears. Be my guest if you wish to play silly games and win silly prizes, even I would be at least a little grateful for Oblivion if it rids me of having to deal with posts like these.

Your pal


Penned by my hand on the 18th of Mayan, in the year 915 AF.

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