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Public News Post #21237

On Savagery and Nature

Written by: Admiral Cherryanne Saxe
Date: Monday, December 6th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

While some city dwellers think that calling Eleusians savage is an insult, I am going to opine on why this isn't the own they think it is. Eleausian life is by no means simple, we are warriors charged with the preservation of Nature's realm.

It is hard to understand why any mortal would be opposed to this goal, some seeking to outright bring about the subjugation of the land, others wanting their Lords to bring an end to it. Self preservation is an innate quality shared by all but the most deranged.

This writing however, is not about those with... questionable mental capacities. As a Scion, we are tought four tenets: Ferocity, Tenacity, Territoriality, and Communalism. These tenets guide the Scions just as the Roots guide the Heartwood, to work together in unison with the ultimate goal of Nature reclaiming that which was originally Hers.

We are taught to fight, and strike out against the encroaching civilizations that have no qualms with destroying the very things that sustain them while they huddle in their stone structures. Structures which have displaced the beasts which once roamed the forests and plains upon which they were built.

We are called savage, for our way of life, for our conservatism with the flora and fauna inhabiting the lands. For staring at the daunting task of bringing down the stone edifaces which plague Her land, unflinchingly determined to see Her realm restored to It's wild beauty.

In Nature, there are no morals, no equality, no constraints that civilization forces on it's subjects.
The need for cunning and strength is paramount to survival, while tenaciously safeguarding what is precious. To the wolf it is her cubs, to the Eleusian it is Nature's realm, we will fight and die as "savages" to protect it.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Aeguary, in the year 875 AF.

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Public News Post #21237

On Savagery and Nature

Written by: Admiral Cherryanne Saxe
Date: Monday, December 6th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

While some city dwellers think that calling Eleusians savage is an insult, I am going to opine on why this isn't the own they think it is. Eleausian life is by no means simple, we are warriors charged with the preservation of Nature's realm.

It is hard to understand why any mortal would be opposed to this goal, some seeking to outright bring about the subjugation of the land, others wanting their Lords to bring an end to it. Self preservation is an innate quality shared by all but the most deranged.

This writing however, is not about those with... questionable mental capacities. As a Scion, we are tought four tenets: Ferocity, Tenacity, Territoriality, and Communalism. These tenets guide the Scions just as the Roots guide the Heartwood, to work together in unison with the ultimate goal of Nature reclaiming that which was originally Hers.

We are taught to fight, and strike out against the encroaching civilizations that have no qualms with destroying the very things that sustain them while they huddle in their stone structures. Structures which have displaced the beasts which once roamed the forests and plains upon which they were built.

We are called savage, for our way of life, for our conservatism with the flora and fauna inhabiting the lands. For staring at the daunting task of bringing down the stone edifaces which plague Her land, unflinchingly determined to see Her realm restored to It's wild beauty.

In Nature, there are no morals, no equality, no constraints that civilization forces on it's subjects.
The need for cunning and strength is paramount to survival, while tenaciously safeguarding what is precious. To the wolf it is her cubs, to the Eleusian it is Nature's realm, we will fight and die as "savages" to protect it.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Aeguary, in the year 875 AF.

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