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Public News Post #21064

Foolish outrage and flailing

Written by: Speaker Colgano Vorondil, Savage Reaper
Date: Monday, April 19th, 2021
Addressed to: Dawnlord Lyndee Faelithar, Seraph of Light

Dawnlord (or is it lady?),

Your swift and utterly unnecessary banning of our villagers is quite unfortunate, but I will certainly warn them to steer clear of your city.

In my benevolence, I will not be matching your policy of banning hapless citizens of your city. They remain welcome in our village, so long as they abide our laws, as per usual.

Do not forget who declared hostilities first. It was you who declared hostilities to us, quite a few years ago. And we raid you a couple times and declare hostilities, because YOUR citizens chose to lead Z to the village multiple times, and YOU are the ones acting like we have somehow stooped so low as to offend you.

It won't be a huge loss for our villagers, however, as I've rarely found a reason to walk your streets.

Take some time, evaluate yourselves. We will still be here, doing what we do, when sanity returns to you, assuming it ever does.

We will retaliate when attacked, and we will continue raiding for the time being, as it serves Nature. That is what we do.

Thoughts and prayers,

Speaker Colgano Vorondil

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Chronos, in the year 856 AF.

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Public News Post #21064

Foolish outrage and flailing

Written by: Speaker Colgano Vorondil, Savage Reaper
Date: Monday, April 19th, 2021
Addressed to: Dawnlord Lyndee Faelithar, Seraph of Light

Dawnlord (or is it lady?),

Your swift and utterly unnecessary banning of our villagers is quite unfortunate, but I will certainly warn them to steer clear of your city.

In my benevolence, I will not be matching your policy of banning hapless citizens of your city. They remain welcome in our village, so long as they abide our laws, as per usual.

Do not forget who declared hostilities first. It was you who declared hostilities to us, quite a few years ago. And we raid you a couple times and declare hostilities, because YOUR citizens chose to lead Z to the village multiple times, and YOU are the ones acting like we have somehow stooped so low as to offend you.

It won't be a huge loss for our villagers, however, as I've rarely found a reason to walk your streets.

Take some time, evaluate yourselves. We will still be here, doing what we do, when sanity returns to you, assuming it ever does.

We will retaliate when attacked, and we will continue raiding for the time being, as it serves Nature. That is what we do.

Thoughts and prayers,

Speaker Colgano Vorondil

Penned by my hand on the 12th of Chronos, in the year 856 AF.

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