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Public News Post #20524

Final Crafty Contests!

Written by: Amarisse, Secretary of the Crafting Council
Date: Sunday, September 22nd, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings once more, Sapience!

As part of the ongoing celebrations for our new registered trades, the Delosian Crafters Union would like to announce the final design contests in our series!

You will have six months from the time of this posting to submit designs for either Artistry or Sculpture (or both)!

The theme for both contests is 'divinity' and there are no mandatory materials - you are entirely free to use your imagination as you will!

As I mentioned in my last post, you do NOT need to be a licensed crafter to participate. Instead, each contest will be subdivided into two categories with three winners each. Thus, the Artistry contest will reward the top three designs by licensed artists, and then the top three designs by unlicensed artists. Likewise for Sculpture, making a grand total of twelve possible winners!

In case you've forgotten the prizes, the unlicensed winners will receive a crafting license for Artistry while the licensed winners may choose any artefact worth 300 credits or less from the Tradeskill and Crafting Artefact Shop.

To make your submissions, simply send me a letter through the Delosian messenger boy with a properly written description or sketched out design. Please refer to HELP ARTISTRY DESIGN and HELP CRAFTING GUIDELINES for advice!

-- Amarisse, Secretary of the Crafting Council

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Mayan, in the year 810 AF.

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Public News Post #20524

Final Crafty Contests!

Written by: Amarisse, Secretary of the Crafting Council
Date: Sunday, September 22nd, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings once more, Sapience!

As part of the ongoing celebrations for our new registered trades, the Delosian Crafters Union would like to announce the final design contests in our series!

You will have six months from the time of this posting to submit designs for either Artistry or Sculpture (or both)!

The theme for both contests is 'divinity' and there are no mandatory materials - you are entirely free to use your imagination as you will!

As I mentioned in my last post, you do NOT need to be a licensed crafter to participate. Instead, each contest will be subdivided into two categories with three winners each. Thus, the Artistry contest will reward the top three designs by licensed artists, and then the top three designs by unlicensed artists. Likewise for Sculpture, making a grand total of twelve possible winners!

In case you've forgotten the prizes, the unlicensed winners will receive a crafting license for Artistry while the licensed winners may choose any artefact worth 300 credits or less from the Tradeskill and Crafting Artefact Shop.

To make your submissions, simply send me a letter through the Delosian messenger boy with a properly written description or sketched out design. Please refer to HELP ARTISTRY DESIGN and HELP CRAFTING GUIDELINES for advice!

-- Amarisse, Secretary of the Crafting Council

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Mayan, in the year 810 AF.

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