Achaean News
Reminder for Asterian Adventures: Murder After The Parade applications
Written by: Jurixe S. Nithilar
Date: Monday, September 16th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone
Hail, Sapience.
A brief reminder that less than six months remain to submit applications for the Asterian Adventures: Murder After The Parade. All entries must reach myself or Ellodin by 25 Sarapin 811AF.
The full details of the event are written in Public news #20513 and #20514. Ensure you review them in their entirety if you are interested.
You may review the histories of the Wars of Succession via the tomes located in:
- The Hall of Histories, Lucretian Athenaeum, New Thera
- The Ingram Cairo Memorial Library, Asterian Athenaeum, Asterian Peninsula, Meropis
These tomes are also likely in city and House libraries. These are key reading material for this event, so participants should ensure thorough familiarity with, at bare minimum, the chapters before the Battle of the Parades.
Further questions may be directed to yourself. Again, less than six months remain, so do not dally your responses. We welcome submissions from all walks of life, as long as you demonstrate familiarity on the subject.
Jurixe S. Nithilar
representing the Asterian Restoration
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Ero, in the year 810 AF.
Reminder for Asterian Adventures: Murder After The Parade applications
Written by: Jurixe S. Nithilar
Date: Monday, September 16th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone
Hail, Sapience.
A brief reminder that less than six months remain to submit applications for the Asterian Adventures: Murder After The Parade. All entries must reach myself or Ellodin by 25 Sarapin 811AF.
The full details of the event are written in Public news #20513 and #20514. Ensure you review them in their entirety if you are interested.
You may review the histories of the Wars of Succession via the tomes located in:
- The Hall of Histories, Lucretian Athenaeum, New Thera
- The Ingram Cairo Memorial Library, Asterian Athenaeum, Asterian Peninsula, Meropis
These tomes are also likely in city and House libraries. These are key reading material for this event, so participants should ensure thorough familiarity with, at bare minimum, the chapters before the Battle of the Parades.
Further questions may be directed to yourself. Again, less than six months remain, so do not dally your responses. We welcome submissions from all walks of life, as long as you demonstrate familiarity on the subject.
Jurixe S. Nithilar
representing the Asterian Restoration
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Ero, in the year 810 AF.