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Poetry News Post #6313

Poems for the Guild

Written by: Sanguine Badriyah L. Visindi, Vassal of Ser Ardor
Date: Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hail, Sapience

I recently sought an additional task in my journey towards becoming a Knight, and asked a member of another Order to test me as well.

Sir Aodfionn of the Gaian Knights was kind enough to oblige, and set me the task of writing poetry in a particular form that is honoured by their Order.

I was tasked with finding an admirable or noteworthy quality of each of our member Orders, and write a poem of no more than two stanzas on them. In doing this task, I found greater insight into each Order, and I hope they will bring you the same.

Knights of Hashan

Knights of Hashan ride,
Largesse, Loyalty, Franchise,
Progress guides our stride.

All doubts left behind,
Forward march, heed not the world,
Dark court's silent pride.


Gaian Knights

Gaian Knights, we rise,
Tsalaikaa in our hearts,
Sowing pride with grace.

Andad sa mandad,
Pride blooms in community,
Nature's strength, our bond.


Order of Thurisaz

Thurisaz hirds train,
Traditions strong, hearts aligned,
Cyrene's shield shines bright.

Knights and squires stand,
Guardians of Vashnar's gem,
Sworn to home's defense.


Aster Malik Order

Knights of Aster vow,
Shield to those who lack defense,
Slayers of dragons.

Unbroken since Seleucar's Fall
Vigil kept since Nicator,
Realms, witness our pledge.


Infernal Rite

In Mhaldor's dark heart,
Mhal'distradh shapes our patha"Strength through cruel ascent.

Pain refines our souls,
Weakness purged and chains brokena"Infernal Rite's creed.



Chaos binds their blades,
Guardians of Ashtan's pridea"Strength through harsh respect.

Steel, unyielding knights,
Honor self and order's namea"No mercy for foes.


Eastern Sacrament

In dawn's gentle light,
Knights rise with unwavering grace,
Sacrifice their creed.

In shadows they stand,
Guardians of hope and strength,
Actions speak their truth.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Glacian, in the year 952 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6313

Poems for the Guild

Written by: Sanguine Badriyah L. Visindi, Vassal of Ser Ardor
Date: Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Hail, Sapience

I recently sought an additional task in my journey towards becoming a Knight, and asked a member of another Order to test me as well.

Sir Aodfionn of the Gaian Knights was kind enough to oblige, and set me the task of writing poetry in a particular form that is honoured by their Order.

I was tasked with finding an admirable or noteworthy quality of each of our member Orders, and write a poem of no more than two stanzas on them. In doing this task, I found greater insight into each Order, and I hope they will bring you the same.

Knights of Hashan

Knights of Hashan ride,
Largesse, Loyalty, Franchise,
Progress guides our stride.

All doubts left behind,
Forward march, heed not the world,
Dark court's silent pride.


Gaian Knights

Gaian Knights, we rise,
Tsalaikaa in our hearts,
Sowing pride with grace.

Andad sa mandad,
Pride blooms in community,
Nature's strength, our bond.


Order of Thurisaz

Thurisaz hirds train,
Traditions strong, hearts aligned,
Cyrene's shield shines bright.

Knights and squires stand,
Guardians of Vashnar's gem,
Sworn to home's defense.


Aster Malik Order

Knights of Aster vow,
Shield to those who lack defense,
Slayers of dragons.

Unbroken since Seleucar's Fall
Vigil kept since Nicator,
Realms, witness our pledge.


Infernal Rite

In Mhaldor's dark heart,
Mhal'distradh shapes our patha"Strength through cruel ascent.

Pain refines our souls,
Weakness purged and chains brokena"Infernal Rite's creed.



Chaos binds their blades,
Guardians of Ashtan's pridea"Strength through harsh respect.

Steel, unyielding knights,
Honor self and order's namea"No mercy for foes.


Eastern Sacrament

In dawn's gentle light,
Knights rise with unwavering grace,
Sacrifice their creed.

In shadows they stand,
Guardians of hope and strength,
Actions speak their truth.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Glacian, in the year 952 AF.

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