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Poetry News Post #6305

Literal Riposte

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Talama Winterhart, Squire of Sir Aodfionn

A Squire duels in her lord's name
A noble act, deserving fame
While I salute audacity
No mercy shall you see from me

You swing determined, intent to harm
A pity, then, you came disarmed
Striking from your treetop hall
With words as sharp as Stonesmith's Maul

A novel plan for your attack
Refrains repeated back to back
To give some guidance tactical
The seasons are less cyclical

Your structure is acceptable
Meter and rhyme respectable
Still it is regrettable
Your every barb forgettable

If this be your hardest charge
I am saddened for the Bard
Surely Eleusian artistry
Could use a touch more Savagery

For this old Knight wields rapier wit
As brutal as Hugalaz hits
Four noble schools of Knight-class skill
Witness my fifth: sword-and-quill

I engage and raze your taunts
Undercut your bold affronts
Challenge me and leave in shame
Lyrically cleft in twain

Still it was good effort, Squire
I merely think you can aim higher
Come sit with me by Aster's fire
Review my style and call me sire

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Chronos, in the year 952 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6305

Literal Riposte

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Talama Winterhart, Squire of Sir Aodfionn

A Squire duels in her lord's name
A noble act, deserving fame
While I salute audacity
No mercy shall you see from me

You swing determined, intent to harm
A pity, then, you came disarmed
Striking from your treetop hall
With words as sharp as Stonesmith's Maul

A novel plan for your attack
Refrains repeated back to back
To give some guidance tactical
The seasons are less cyclical

Your structure is acceptable
Meter and rhyme respectable
Still it is regrettable
Your every barb forgettable

If this be your hardest charge
I am saddened for the Bard
Surely Eleusian artistry
Could use a touch more Savagery

For this old Knight wields rapier wit
As brutal as Hugalaz hits
Four noble schools of Knight-class skill
Witness my fifth: sword-and-quill

I engage and raze your taunts
Undercut your bold affronts
Challenge me and leave in shame
Lyrically cleft in twain

Still it was good effort, Squire
I merely think you can aim higher
Come sit with me by Aster's fire
Review my style and call me sire

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Chronos, in the year 952 AF.

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