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Poetry News Post #6254


Written by: Sommelier Chamomile
Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Javian, a young boy

In Amadeo's cafe Javien once played,
But darkness's whispers led him astray,
He succumbed to shadows that filled him with dread,
And left his brother with tears to be shed.

As Javien slipped away, his brother wept,
Lost to the darkness, his spirit inept,
Their bond eternal, memories so dear,
Even though Javien is no longer near.

Darkness claimed him, but in his brother's heart,
Javien shall transcend, they shall never part,
Their bond remains strong, despite the night's song,
In memories and love, Javien's spirit lives on.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Aeguary, in the year 950 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6254


Written by: Sommelier Chamomile
Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2024
Addressed to: Javian, a young boy

In Amadeo's cafe Javien once played,
But darkness's whispers led him astray,
He succumbed to shadows that filled him with dread,
And left his brother with tears to be shed.

As Javien slipped away, his brother wept,
Lost to the darkness, his spirit inept,
Their bond eternal, memories so dear,
Even though Javien is no longer near.

Darkness claimed him, but in his brother's heart,
Javien shall transcend, they shall never part,
Their bond remains strong, despite the night's song,
In memories and love, Javien's spirit lives on.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Aeguary, in the year 950 AF.

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