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Poetry News Post #6241


Written by: Sommelier Chamomile
Date: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

In the quiet depths of my weary mind,
Lurk shadows of doubt, unkind and unrefined.
Whispers of inadequacy, haunting me at night,
Fears of not measuring up, filling me with fright.

Am I worthy of love, of success, of praise?
Or am I destined to falter, in life's intricate maze?
A constant battle within, a relentless tug-of-war,
Between hopes and fears, leaving my spirit sore.

I strive to be enough, to stand tall and strong,
But the weight of doubt tells me I don't belong.
In a world of expectations and unending demand,
I wonder if I'll ever meet the standards at hand.

Yet in the midst of darkness, a glimmer of light,
A voice whispers softly, dispelling the blight.
I am enough, despite the doubts that may arise,
Finding strength in imperfection, amidst my own cries.

So I'll embrace my flaws, and the journey ahead,
Knowing that self-doubt is but a visitor, not a friend.
I'll rise above the fear, with courage as my guide,
For in my own unique way, I'll conquer the tide.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Glacian, in the year 949 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6241


Written by: Sommelier Chamomile
Date: Wednesday, June 26th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

In the quiet depths of my weary mind,
Lurk shadows of doubt, unkind and unrefined.
Whispers of inadequacy, haunting me at night,
Fears of not measuring up, filling me with fright.

Am I worthy of love, of success, of praise?
Or am I destined to falter, in life's intricate maze?
A constant battle within, a relentless tug-of-war,
Between hopes and fears, leaving my spirit sore.

I strive to be enough, to stand tall and strong,
But the weight of doubt tells me I don't belong.
In a world of expectations and unending demand,
I wonder if I'll ever meet the standards at hand.

Yet in the midst of darkness, a glimmer of light,
A voice whispers softly, dispelling the blight.
I am enough, despite the doubts that may arise,
Finding strength in imperfection, amidst my own cries.

So I'll embrace my flaws, and the journey ahead,
Knowing that self-doubt is but a visitor, not a friend.
I'll rise above the fear, with courage as my guide,
For in my own unique way, I'll conquer the tide.

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Glacian, in the year 949 AF.

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