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Poetry News Post #6019

The Path Less Traveled

Written by: Jaru Consul Aniara Sa'Rithven-Lighthawk
Date: Friday, July 14th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Screams and stuffs fluff in her ears
The cries of those who yell at her to go on
The broken songs of those who disdain Creation
As they urge her ever onwards towards Oblivion

The path began as so many do
One step in front of the other
Feet became miles and on further
She saw the presences of many another

They were travelers just like she
Some had stopped lazily from the start
Others from weary minds and weary hearts
Some intent on protecting every plant and hart

Traveling down the long road
She did what she could as well
Helped as many up where they fell
So their faith ceased to go stale

It was then upon the long way
That she heard the haunting song
"Take a detour," the voices cried as one
"Ever onwards towards inevitable Oblivion."

She saw others turn their gaze
Scream and stuff fluff in their ears
Then take a detour into the void with fear
Cursing the horrid song that lured them there

"Not I," she said softly to herself
As her gaze upon advancing Creation remain
"I decry you as liars and I choose to be sane
This path is not for the fickle, apathetic plain,
nor those who within cruelty lies, nor Creation disdain.

To advance Creation is a journey
Not a destination under the bright sun
For those who work to advance Good ever on
Know we will always do whatever must be done."

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Sarapin, in the year 922 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6019

The Path Less Traveled

Written by: Jaru Consul Aniara Sa'Rithven-Lighthawk
Date: Friday, July 14th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Screams and stuffs fluff in her ears
The cries of those who yell at her to go on
The broken songs of those who disdain Creation
As they urge her ever onwards towards Oblivion

The path began as so many do
One step in front of the other
Feet became miles and on further
She saw the presences of many another

They were travelers just like she
Some had stopped lazily from the start
Others from weary minds and weary hearts
Some intent on protecting every plant and hart

Traveling down the long road
She did what she could as well
Helped as many up where they fell
So their faith ceased to go stale

It was then upon the long way
That she heard the haunting song
"Take a detour," the voices cried as one
"Ever onwards towards inevitable Oblivion."

She saw others turn their gaze
Scream and stuff fluff in their ears
Then take a detour into the void with fear
Cursing the horrid song that lured them there

"Not I," she said softly to herself
As her gaze upon advancing Creation remain
"I decry you as liars and I choose to be sane
This path is not for the fickle, apathetic plain,
nor those who within cruelty lies, nor Creation disdain.

To advance Creation is a journey
Not a destination under the bright sun
For those who work to advance Good ever on
Know we will always do whatever must be done."

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Sarapin, in the year 922 AF.

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