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Poetry News Post #6000


Written by: Tendril Elathaen, of the Black Lotus
Date: Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In the realm of skies, where tempests dwell,
A cataclysmic thunderstorm did swell.
Dark clouds collided, lightning ripped the air,
And thunder roared, a symphony of despair.

Rain cascaded down in torrents wild,
Nature trembled beneath its tempest child.
The world convulsed beneath its mighty might,
As chaos reigned, obliterating all light.

But within this chaos, a secret lay,
A whisper of transformation in disarray.
For storms, too, carry a hidden grace,
A metamorphosis within their embrace.

As lightning danced and thunder clashed,
Nature's soul awakened and fear was dashed.
The storm's fierce fury began to subside,
And a gentle hush spread far and wide.

With each retreating rumble, nature breathed,
And a newfound calm was softly bequeathed.
Raindrops, like teardrops, tenderly fell,
Cleansing the wounds, bidding them farewell.

From the ashes of the tempest's wrath,
A nurturing serenity emerged on its path.
The air grew crisp, kissed by the rain,
As nature, renewed, began to reclaim.

Majestic trees, once battered and torn,
Stood tall and proud, their strength reborn.
Flowers, once drooping, raised their heads,
Petals unfurled in vibrant hues, no longer in dread.

The rivers, once raging, found tranquility's shore,
Whispering secrets they had learned in the storm's roar.
Birds, with wings spread wide, soared through the sky,
Their songs of resilience, a lullaby.

The sun, peeking through the dissipating clouds,
Gently caressed the earth, shedding golden shrouds.
A kaleidoscope of colors adorned the land,
Painting a masterpiece, divinely grand.

For in the heart of the cataclysmic squall,
A transformative dance held nature in thrall.
From chaos to peace, a cycle was revealed,
The storm's destruction, a catalyst to heal.

So, let us remember, when storms draw near,
That even in darkness, hope will appear.
For nature's spirit, resilient and pure,
Can turn cataclysm into a balm that endures.

And when the thunderstorm's tempest subsides,
A serene and nurturing nature shall reside.
In the embrace of storms, a hidden grace is found,
Where cataclysmic thunderstorms birth healing profound.

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Sarapin, in the year 919 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6000


Written by: Tendril Elathaen, of the Black Lotus
Date: Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In the realm of skies, where tempests dwell,
A cataclysmic thunderstorm did swell.
Dark clouds collided, lightning ripped the air,
And thunder roared, a symphony of despair.

Rain cascaded down in torrents wild,
Nature trembled beneath its tempest child.
The world convulsed beneath its mighty might,
As chaos reigned, obliterating all light.

But within this chaos, a secret lay,
A whisper of transformation in disarray.
For storms, too, carry a hidden grace,
A metamorphosis within their embrace.

As lightning danced and thunder clashed,
Nature's soul awakened and fear was dashed.
The storm's fierce fury began to subside,
And a gentle hush spread far and wide.

With each retreating rumble, nature breathed,
And a newfound calm was softly bequeathed.
Raindrops, like teardrops, tenderly fell,
Cleansing the wounds, bidding them farewell.

From the ashes of the tempest's wrath,
A nurturing serenity emerged on its path.
The air grew crisp, kissed by the rain,
As nature, renewed, began to reclaim.

Majestic trees, once battered and torn,
Stood tall and proud, their strength reborn.
Flowers, once drooping, raised their heads,
Petals unfurled in vibrant hues, no longer in dread.

The rivers, once raging, found tranquility's shore,
Whispering secrets they had learned in the storm's roar.
Birds, with wings spread wide, soared through the sky,
Their songs of resilience, a lullaby.

The sun, peeking through the dissipating clouds,
Gently caressed the earth, shedding golden shrouds.
A kaleidoscope of colors adorned the land,
Painting a masterpiece, divinely grand.

For in the heart of the cataclysmic squall,
A transformative dance held nature in thrall.
From chaos to peace, a cycle was revealed,
The storm's destruction, a catalyst to heal.

So, let us remember, when storms draw near,
That even in darkness, hope will appear.
For nature's spirit, resilient and pure,
Can turn cataclysm into a balm that endures.

And when the thunderstorm's tempest subsides,
A serene and nurturing nature shall reside.
In the embrace of storms, a hidden grace is found,
Where cataclysmic thunderstorms birth healing profound.

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Sarapin, in the year 919 AF.

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