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Poetry News Post #5983

Serene Serendipity

Written by: Clarinna Vorondil-Corten, Merchant Analyst
Date: Friday, May 5th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Of all the tales that lovers tell,
Of fateful meetings that befell,
Ours is a story, sweet and true,
Of love that came when least in view.

We'd known each other many years,
But never saw what now appears,
A love so deep, so rich, so rare,
A love that we both now declare.

It came out of nowhere, like a breeze,
Softly stirring through the trees,
Whispering secrets of love to come,
As if written in the stars, by some.

And now we're married, going strong,
Our love a beautiful, joyful song,
A melody of best friends, lovers too,
With mutual respect, and empathy so true.

Our love's a haven, a safe retreat,
Where we share our dreams, and take our seat,
In this journey of life, side by side,
With admiration and good humor as our guide.

And though the road ahead may be,
With bumps and turns we cannot see,
We know that our love will never fade,
For it's a bond that destiny made.

So here we stand, so incredibly blessed,
To have found each other, our hearts at rest,
With a love so pure, and a husband so caring,
Our souls in harmony, forever sharing.

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Scarlatan, in the year 916 AF.

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Poetry News Post #5983

Serene Serendipity

Written by: Clarinna Vorondil-Corten, Merchant Analyst
Date: Friday, May 5th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Of all the tales that lovers tell,
Of fateful meetings that befell,
Ours is a story, sweet and true,
Of love that came when least in view.

We'd known each other many years,
But never saw what now appears,
A love so deep, so rich, so rare,
A love that we both now declare.

It came out of nowhere, like a breeze,
Softly stirring through the trees,
Whispering secrets of love to come,
As if written in the stars, by some.

And now we're married, going strong,
Our love a beautiful, joyful song,
A melody of best friends, lovers too,
With mutual respect, and empathy so true.

Our love's a haven, a safe retreat,
Where we share our dreams, and take our seat,
In this journey of life, side by side,
With admiration and good humor as our guide.

And though the road ahead may be,
With bumps and turns we cannot see,
We know that our love will never fade,
For it's a bond that destiny made.

So here we stand, so incredibly blessed,
To have found each other, our hearts at rest,
With a love so pure, and a husband so caring,
Our souls in harmony, forever sharing.

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Scarlatan, in the year 916 AF.

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