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Poetry News Post #5967

To the, who understand...

Written by: Kastanie Schmalfuss
Date: Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

LADY Lorielan, our jade empress, held the domain GODDESS of Knowledge and it is true! In the year 476 AF, SHE returned from the crystal plane, concerned by the rebirth of LORD Babel and the chaos in our reams.
And SHE was great! Despite having returned, SHE maintained aloof to ideologies dissimilar to HERS  although, we, who were both intelligent and deeply devoted to the DIVINES. were able to gain HER notice  not only in our dreams!
We all know: HER order name is the samatha and HER signs are looped ribbon undergoing a half-twist.
I wished I still had some spot to tattoo this on my wrist.

And then there is THE All  the term that the Vertani used to refere to for their DIVINE.
We know: THE All is very different from the traditional concept of our DIVINES it is more to be seen as an omnipresent force, to be found everywhere, that guides and watches over the Vertani.
I wonder now: did they have for THE All a shrine?

But then again: the imperial cracles, idiot savants of the Vertani empire who fortell subsequen ascendants, lived in horror after having been "touched by THE All" - a euphemism referring to the crushing insanity they bear.
In my elder days, telling you these things you already know: I clearly wished I had a rocking-chair!

And then there is LORD Ayar, who created all those elder DIVINES. Such as LADY aia, the Earthmother, arsing as both nature incarnation and to protect the forests. But more about HER later on, so much to say:
SHE and LORD Vastar, played a great role in fighting off LORD Agatheis of the triumvirate.

LADY Gaia: larger than YER conflicts with LORD Eris or Hashan were those with LORD Sartan in approx the year 279 AF, cause of course, as HE is always fiddling abouts,
HE had to perform an act of necromantic extermination within YER temple, that so seen oakstone, to brand HIM YER enemy to the forests. And I can tell this without any silly shouts!

Burning with fire, as HE is  HE of course ordered HIS followers to raze the forests to the ground, and the massive assault on nature that ensued went down in history as the all known sartani war, how3ver in approx. 617 AF, LADY Gaia returned for the natures devotion, The spirit Calliope was discharged from the guardianship of the Aureliana, allowing her to deliquesce and become whole with Nature once more, IT IS TRUE!! ALAS!! MOTHER has returned!
LADY Gaia's memory of HER past was incomplete, yet SHE, after a long battle with LORD Twilight and HIS followers, decided to combine HER ESSENCE with the one of LORD Twilight's to create the Darkenwood.
Sumfin I have clearly understood.

LADY Gaia, what is YER sign? Of course we all know: Eets the thistle, a symbol that reflects the true harmony of nature, and the lemniscate. And YER ally is Genji, founded by god ol' Gehan, that ol' atavian who led a group of his fellows from the city of Arcadia after they stopped worshiping to LORD Vastar, and approx. 715 they were following YER ideals.

I am sure, YOU made quite clear deals.

Oh, and not to forget! Come to think, there is also LADY Valnurana, created at the dawn of time.
Let me sleep, thank you for that chime.
During the end (as far as I have understood, that is) of the war of humanity, YOU were was distraught by the deaths of the unicorns, who defended the DIVINES and their souls were passed into YER care by? Who would have thought!
Our ol' LORD Thoth;
I dun wanna tell you all now, cause I know you hate the truth:
they honestly then run free in the dreamrealm as ethereal nightmares, as a great spook.
For centuries, a public worship of our LADY Valnurana took place in a temple known as the Mesmerium, located somewhere beside the Urubamba River.
Sumfin happened with that temple, that gave me a shiver...
however end of the day a remote temple in the Vashnars was later to be expand;
LADY Valnurana sings by the way is to favor orchid flowers, who would have thought? A rare black swan!

LORD Aegis, on the other hand, married to LADY Eris and father of our LADY Pandora and LORD ^ Pandenium, our elder DIVINE of war, was also quite a star.

Returning during the war of the DIVNE CHILD, HIS order grew and many shrines were erected to devote HIM, eve characterized by a mailed fist and flaming scimitar.
The truth is, that apart from that symbol HE has three specific symbols outside of this, which are the lion, the hawk and the blade.
Gosh, HELIOS is blazing me  I must step into a shade!

LADY Eris, once being an occultist, also known as Servelan de Vermiis however became our DIVINE of Chaos.

LORD Tlalaiad, the Genesis, born at the culmination of the Tsol'teth's thousand-year experiment in the 728th year after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire, however not to pay us.

LADIES Ourania, Goddess of the Moon and Maya, the Mother of Humanity, I have already worshiped YOU. LADY Maya  the truth is: YER sings are the great grey owl and the vashnarian bell flower.

LORD Prospero (please excuse me, but we know both): was never into HIM, never the less: YER holy sing is a gleaming circlet of silver and gold.
So I was told.

LORD Clementius, only left to say: YER allies we all know.
Nuffin left to show.
LORD Aeyr was the DIVINE of Magic. It was told that HE used HIS supreme mastery of the basic foundations of magic, in its alteration and creation of reality and HIS interactions with mortals, however, were few and far between, and as such, mortals at large came to regard HIM as mysterious and aloof.

Here I stand, shouting it out: you all need against my spread out euphorbia, loads of ginseng root.

HIS death bought time for LORD Sarapis to restore the corrupted fire behind the flame, which had become source of the Worldreavers power.
Gosh, by all this talking I got mega sweaty; I think I need a shower!

Before LORD Deucalion was even thought about of; LORD Daedalus was once the DIVINE of balance. Being the first IMMORTAL created by LORD Ayar, HIS ideals were very similar. HE therefore was the fulcrum upon known forces of good, evil order and chaos pivot. During the chaos wars,HE stood alongside LORD Proteus, the leader of the the elder DIVINES, to protect creation from the forces of chaos.
Reminds me of Clio, also a spirit, yet of the western Ithmia, of the estern Ithmia, known to be peacefully and serene, she wandered erratically, even straying from the forest entirely when confronted with violence; LADY Gaia put her off guard as well.
This is why I am sending all my prayers, my chest is filled with blessings, it looks like a the one of a cute little Jambaali, perfectly oval and way swelled.

To get back to the story however: LORD Daedalus was unfortunately slained in battle in 610 AF by the Worldreaver.

Man, that dude was up to so much, HE should have become a DIVINE of evil!

LADY Selene, however, our DIVINE of beauty and love, tried to help us to recognize that love had no boundaries and encompassed many different elements while still remaining faithful unto itself. The holy signs of HER were the silver spider, and her weapon of choice, the crossbow of heartbreak. No The truth is! The silver rose is missing.
Me little snake, the truth I still keep hissing.

LORD Vastar, our SLYLORD however, is totally different: HE is the father of the Atavian, being also created by our LORD Ayar, gaining the signs of the argent wing in flight, the stylized whirlwind of silver on a field of white, a sapphire falcon with extended wings, and a glowing spiral of silver on a cerulean background.
No, after this one, I will not be back around!
LORD Neraeos sent a massive tidal hand to crush HIS Sky Tower. At an impasse, THE 2 withdrew their wrath and in ancient tradition agreed to a trial of ritual combat, marking the official declaration of the war of Sky and Sea.
I know..some of you cannot wait to read the end and are upset, that you have to go to 4 a wee.

LORD Ayar was very creative and also created LORD Aeon during the dawn of creation. The LORD of Time was granted abit control over the river of time itself.
I got a book about that in my shelf.

Surreptitiously altering the timeline of the universe over many eons, HE intervened one final time in approx. 613 AF, renouncing HIS future sight and consigning HIMSELF to the past in order to bring or LADY Aurora, SHE, alas! The Lightbringer, to the present to slay (man, good for us, that dude is gone 4eva now!!) the Worldreaver (good that that dude does not 4evermore stand!)
Luckily this does not concern our little Trym, who lives in the Inn, where he waits to devour leftover scraps (and everything else placed in his hand).

Oh! And, LORD Agatheis, the DIVINE of Elements - Water, Earth, Fire, and Air.
HE clearly blessed me with my sticking up pink hair...
4 HIM creation was a perfect expression of the elements - a world of perfect order where everything was in its place and the decay of chaos was unknown. HIS singns were just like my inks perfectly colored: a black diamond separated into smaller segments of blue, green, red, and yellow.
Wonder if that was during the constellation of the winged lion.

LORD Eros, gosh, I bet you were my father! The DIVINE of love and beauty. But prolly it was when you seen me, that YOU disappeared, having ventured beyond the known realms, beyond the perception of even YER fellow DIVINE.
YER lack of presence within the Garden has cost YER realm and everything else. It was transferred to LADY Selene by LORD Sarapis during HER birth. And SHE prolly got all YER shrines.

Cause as we remember: as a wedding party departed, YOU declared YOUR intent to remain in YOUR shrine (only 1?), pretending to be happy and free of the constraints of YER DIVINE realm, apparently.
Just like Bakios and his mystical card; drawing eet confers a random flask effect upon the user, is that perhaps my brother, I am getting all happy!

LORD Khalas, the Wanderer however, was sentenced to be transformed into an unmoving statue, which to this day stands in the village of Tomacula, to remind all of the folly of crossing the creator and such.
Sorry, that is about it I know, nuffin else much.

LORD Thoth, also known as THE endbringer and THE inevitable, THE Lord of Souls, THE master of death, and THE guardian of the Soulrealms.
Man, HE must have been a bummer, with all HIS titles, as it seems!

Never the less LORD Thoth was slain by prince Slith, all by now know the Lord of the undead legions. And those that tried to gain HIS attention by causing needless destruction and loss of life found themselves ill-served. He cared not for such way.
This knowledge makes my little hips sway..

LORD Thoth intended that all living complete the full and unavoidably brief terms appointed to their lives, secure in the inevitable reality that they would all come to face HIM. One who lived a full life would leave HIS mortal coil with no regrets, embarking on the final journey with HIM to the (also known as the Qui'anar) soulrealms.
This is me now, I must pass to LORD Troth, into HIS dreams.
Do as the elder DIVINE LORD Thoth asked for, live each day as though it were yer last.
Dun think about the past!

HIS sings are never the less a soaring vulture, a large willow tree, and a black flame.
Do what you wanna do, dun feel ashamed!

And then there is also LADY Raclawice, the former DIVINE of rogues and wanderers, who sadly forfeited HER GODHOOD with LORD Hermes, my true father, who won HER mantle of wanderers and became the TRUE master of gambler.

I must be away now, I am THE RAMBLER.
But on a few last blessings: please also remember other ones as well not only our DIVINES, just a few to name: the daughter and the son of LORD Aeon: Lady Nicola and Sir Makarios as well as Sir Lycon  clearly in my eyes the son of the Beast God.

I know, I was always odd, such a shame!

One more kiss and then the end of this game?
Naw, I clearly call eet in King's Chess: StaleMate.

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Miraman, in the year 915 AF.

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Poetry News Post #5967

To the, who understand...

Written by: Kastanie Schmalfuss
Date: Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

LADY Lorielan, our jade empress, held the domain GODDESS of Knowledge and it is true! In the year 476 AF, SHE returned from the crystal plane, concerned by the rebirth of LORD Babel and the chaos in our reams.
And SHE was great! Despite having returned, SHE maintained aloof to ideologies dissimilar to HERS  although, we, who were both intelligent and deeply devoted to the DIVINES. were able to gain HER notice  not only in our dreams!
We all know: HER order name is the samatha and HER signs are looped ribbon undergoing a half-twist.
I wished I still had some spot to tattoo this on my wrist.

And then there is THE All  the term that the Vertani used to refere to for their DIVINE.
We know: THE All is very different from the traditional concept of our DIVINES it is more to be seen as an omnipresent force, to be found everywhere, that guides and watches over the Vertani.
I wonder now: did they have for THE All a shrine?

But then again: the imperial cracles, idiot savants of the Vertani empire who fortell subsequen ascendants, lived in horror after having been "touched by THE All" - a euphemism referring to the crushing insanity they bear.
In my elder days, telling you these things you already know: I clearly wished I had a rocking-chair!

And then there is LORD Ayar, who created all those elder DIVINES. Such as LADY aia, the Earthmother, arsing as both nature incarnation and to protect the forests. But more about HER later on, so much to say:
SHE and LORD Vastar, played a great role in fighting off LORD Agatheis of the triumvirate.

LADY Gaia: larger than YER conflicts with LORD Eris or Hashan were those with LORD Sartan in approx the year 279 AF, cause of course, as HE is always fiddling abouts,
HE had to perform an act of necromantic extermination within YER temple, that so seen oakstone, to brand HIM YER enemy to the forests. And I can tell this without any silly shouts!

Burning with fire, as HE is  HE of course ordered HIS followers to raze the forests to the ground, and the massive assault on nature that ensued went down in history as the all known sartani war, how3ver in approx. 617 AF, LADY Gaia returned for the natures devotion, The spirit Calliope was discharged from the guardianship of the Aureliana, allowing her to deliquesce and become whole with Nature once more, IT IS TRUE!! ALAS!! MOTHER has returned!
LADY Gaia's memory of HER past was incomplete, yet SHE, after a long battle with LORD Twilight and HIS followers, decided to combine HER ESSENCE with the one of LORD Twilight's to create the Darkenwood.
Sumfin I have clearly understood.

LADY Gaia, what is YER sign? Of course we all know: Eets the thistle, a symbol that reflects the true harmony of nature, and the lemniscate. And YER ally is Genji, founded by god ol' Gehan, that ol' atavian who led a group of his fellows from the city of Arcadia after they stopped worshiping to LORD Vastar, and approx. 715 they were following YER ideals.

I am sure, YOU made quite clear deals.

Oh, and not to forget! Come to think, there is also LADY Valnurana, created at the dawn of time.
Let me sleep, thank you for that chime.
During the end (as far as I have understood, that is) of the war of humanity, YOU were was distraught by the deaths of the unicorns, who defended the DIVINES and their souls were passed into YER care by? Who would have thought!
Our ol' LORD Thoth;
I dun wanna tell you all now, cause I know you hate the truth:
they honestly then run free in the dreamrealm as ethereal nightmares, as a great spook.
For centuries, a public worship of our LADY Valnurana took place in a temple known as the Mesmerium, located somewhere beside the Urubamba River.
Sumfin happened with that temple, that gave me a shiver...
however end of the day a remote temple in the Vashnars was later to be expand;
LADY Valnurana sings by the way is to favor orchid flowers, who would have thought? A rare black swan!

LORD Aegis, on the other hand, married to LADY Eris and father of our LADY Pandora and LORD ^ Pandenium, our elder DIVINE of war, was also quite a star.

Returning during the war of the DIVNE CHILD, HIS order grew and many shrines were erected to devote HIM, eve characterized by a mailed fist and flaming scimitar.
The truth is, that apart from that symbol HE has three specific symbols outside of this, which are the lion, the hawk and the blade.
Gosh, HELIOS is blazing me  I must step into a shade!

LADY Eris, once being an occultist, also known as Servelan de Vermiis however became our DIVINE of Chaos.

LORD Tlalaiad, the Genesis, born at the culmination of the Tsol'teth's thousand-year experiment in the 728th year after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire, however not to pay us.

LADIES Ourania, Goddess of the Moon and Maya, the Mother of Humanity, I have already worshiped YOU. LADY Maya  the truth is: YER sings are the great grey owl and the vashnarian bell flower.

LORD Prospero (please excuse me, but we know both): was never into HIM, never the less: YER holy sing is a gleaming circlet of silver and gold.
So I was told.

LORD Clementius, only left to say: YER allies we all know.
Nuffin left to show.
LORD Aeyr was the DIVINE of Magic. It was told that HE used HIS supreme mastery of the basic foundations of magic, in its alteration and creation of reality and HIS interactions with mortals, however, were few and far between, and as such, mortals at large came to regard HIM as mysterious and aloof.

Here I stand, shouting it out: you all need against my spread out euphorbia, loads of ginseng root.

HIS death bought time for LORD Sarapis to restore the corrupted fire behind the flame, which had become source of the Worldreavers power.
Gosh, by all this talking I got mega sweaty; I think I need a shower!

Before LORD Deucalion was even thought about of; LORD Daedalus was once the DIVINE of balance. Being the first IMMORTAL created by LORD Ayar, HIS ideals were very similar. HE therefore was the fulcrum upon known forces of good, evil order and chaos pivot. During the chaos wars,HE stood alongside LORD Proteus, the leader of the the elder DIVINES, to protect creation from the forces of chaos.
Reminds me of Clio, also a spirit, yet of the western Ithmia, of the estern Ithmia, known to be peacefully and serene, she wandered erratically, even straying from the forest entirely when confronted with violence; LADY Gaia put her off guard as well.
This is why I am sending all my prayers, my chest is filled with blessings, it looks like a the one of a cute little Jambaali, perfectly oval and way swelled.

To get back to the story however: LORD Daedalus was unfortunately slained in battle in 610 AF by the Worldreaver.

Man, that dude was up to so much, HE should have become a DIVINE of evil!

LADY Selene, however, our DIVINE of beauty and love, tried to help us to recognize that love had no boundaries and encompassed many different elements while still remaining faithful unto itself. The holy signs of HER were the silver spider, and her weapon of choice, the crossbow of heartbreak. No The truth is! The silver rose is missing.
Me little snake, the truth I still keep hissing.

LORD Vastar, our SLYLORD however, is totally different: HE is the father of the Atavian, being also created by our LORD Ayar, gaining the signs of the argent wing in flight, the stylized whirlwind of silver on a field of white, a sapphire falcon with extended wings, and a glowing spiral of silver on a cerulean background.
No, after this one, I will not be back around!
LORD Neraeos sent a massive tidal hand to crush HIS Sky Tower. At an impasse, THE 2 withdrew their wrath and in ancient tradition agreed to a trial of ritual combat, marking the official declaration of the war of Sky and Sea.
I know..some of you cannot wait to read the end and are upset, that you have to go to 4 a wee.

LORD Ayar was very creative and also created LORD Aeon during the dawn of creation. The LORD of Time was granted abit control over the river of time itself.
I got a book about that in my shelf.

Surreptitiously altering the timeline of the universe over many eons, HE intervened one final time in approx. 613 AF, renouncing HIS future sight and consigning HIMSELF to the past in order to bring or LADY Aurora, SHE, alas! The Lightbringer, to the present to slay (man, good for us, that dude is gone 4eva now!!) the Worldreaver (good that that dude does not 4evermore stand!)
Luckily this does not concern our little Trym, who lives in the Inn, where he waits to devour leftover scraps (and everything else placed in his hand).

Oh! And, LORD Agatheis, the DIVINE of Elements - Water, Earth, Fire, and Air.
HE clearly blessed me with my sticking up pink hair...
4 HIM creation was a perfect expression of the elements - a world of perfect order where everything was in its place and the decay of chaos was unknown. HIS singns were just like my inks perfectly colored: a black diamond separated into smaller segments of blue, green, red, and yellow.
Wonder if that was during the constellation of the winged lion.

LORD Eros, gosh, I bet you were my father! The DIVINE of love and beauty. But prolly it was when you seen me, that YOU disappeared, having ventured beyond the known realms, beyond the perception of even YER fellow DIVINE.
YER lack of presence within the Garden has cost YER realm and everything else. It was transferred to LADY Selene by LORD Sarapis during HER birth. And SHE prolly got all YER shrines.

Cause as we remember: as a wedding party departed, YOU declared YOUR intent to remain in YOUR shrine (only 1?), pretending to be happy and free of the constraints of YER DIVINE realm, apparently.
Just like Bakios and his mystical card; drawing eet confers a random flask effect upon the user, is that perhaps my brother, I am getting all happy!

LORD Khalas, the Wanderer however, was sentenced to be transformed into an unmoving statue, which to this day stands in the village of Tomacula, to remind all of the folly of crossing the creator and such.
Sorry, that is about it I know, nuffin else much.

LORD Thoth, also known as THE endbringer and THE inevitable, THE Lord of Souls, THE master of death, and THE guardian of the Soulrealms.
Man, HE must have been a bummer, with all HIS titles, as it seems!

Never the less LORD Thoth was slain by prince Slith, all by now know the Lord of the undead legions. And those that tried to gain HIS attention by causing needless destruction and loss of life found themselves ill-served. He cared not for such way.
This knowledge makes my little hips sway..

LORD Thoth intended that all living complete the full and unavoidably brief terms appointed to their lives, secure in the inevitable reality that they would all come to face HIM. One who lived a full life would leave HIS mortal coil with no regrets, embarking on the final journey with HIM to the (also known as the Qui'anar) soulrealms.
This is me now, I must pass to LORD Troth, into HIS dreams.
Do as the elder DIVINE LORD Thoth asked for, live each day as though it were yer last.
Dun think about the past!

HIS sings are never the less a soaring vulture, a large willow tree, and a black flame.
Do what you wanna do, dun feel ashamed!

And then there is also LADY Raclawice, the former DIVINE of rogues and wanderers, who sadly forfeited HER GODHOOD with LORD Hermes, my true father, who won HER mantle of wanderers and became the TRUE master of gambler.

I must be away now, I am THE RAMBLER.
But on a few last blessings: please also remember other ones as well not only our DIVINES, just a few to name: the daughter and the son of LORD Aeon: Lady Nicola and Sir Makarios as well as Sir Lycon  clearly in my eyes the son of the Beast God.

I know, I was always odd, such a shame!

One more kiss and then the end of this game?
Naw, I clearly call eet in King's Chess: StaleMate.

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Miraman, in the year 915 AF.

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