Achaean News
Drink Up!
Written by: Scarlattan Remedie Thorngage
Date: Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone
There I was just standin' m' ground,
Hands in m' pockets just glancin' around,
When out from the clouds came a deafenin' sound,
And the smoke started rollin' from me.
Some furious sips, a wide-eyed glance to the skies,
I patted down m' body and was soon to realise,
I was still alive an' covered in curious eyes,
So I acted like it happens all the time.
Next thing I know I'm whippin' through space,
Suddenly with the Lord Bard in His sacred place,
I just stared in awe, a goofy smile on m' face,
Then blushed with an inward "Gosh darn."
I swooned with pride when He said "My Remedie",
And invited me to be a member of His family,
The tears streamin' down m' sooty face a leavin' me,
Lookin' a bit like a blubberin' zebra. Heh.
But that matters not, for I was elated still,
With just a few scraps of parchment and a second-hand quill,
That this overly quiet and unassumin' girl,
Caught the eye of the great Lord Bard.
So here's to the greatest Lord there is,
A generous mug of ale with a hearty fizz,
We'll drink till we're full for after all it 'tis,
A realm full of Art and fun!
Penned by my hand on the 6th of Scarlatan, in the year 606 AF.
Drink Up!
Written by: Scarlattan Remedie Thorngage
Date: Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone
There I was just standin' m' ground,
Hands in m' pockets just glancin' around,
When out from the clouds came a deafenin' sound,
And the smoke started rollin' from me.
Some furious sips, a wide-eyed glance to the skies,
I patted down m' body and was soon to realise,
I was still alive an' covered in curious eyes,
So I acted like it happens all the time.
Next thing I know I'm whippin' through space,
Suddenly with the Lord Bard in His sacred place,
I just stared in awe, a goofy smile on m' face,
Then blushed with an inward "Gosh darn."
I swooned with pride when He said "My Remedie",
And invited me to be a member of His family,
The tears streamin' down m' sooty face a leavin' me,
Lookin' a bit like a blubberin' zebra. Heh.
But that matters not, for I was elated still,
With just a few scraps of parchment and a second-hand quill,
That this overly quiet and unassumin' girl,
Caught the eye of the great Lord Bard.
So here's to the greatest Lord there is,
A generous mug of ale with a hearty fizz,
We'll drink till we're full for after all it 'tis,
A realm full of Art and fun!
Penned by my hand on the 6th of Scarlatan, in the year 606 AF.