Achaean News
The Trials of Haskor, Part III: Deucalion
Written by: Anonymous
Date: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
After time spent in recovery from the encounter with Ghaunrothe, Haskor's next sojourn took him to Targossas. Navigating adoring fans in the form of Shornwall defenders, Lumarch Aeowynn (styled 'of the Holy Joust'), and even the upstanding Yen Stormcrow, the Self-Made laid out the task to come: to retrieve a Greater Phoenix egg from the Underworld. This egg, long-ago stolen by Zsarachnor, had been deprived from Targossian hands for centuries.
An initial foray into the Underworld and a visit to Cor Kanth led the Targossians first to Lord Kemnast, and then to King Slith. Negotiations, for lack of a better term, revealed that the egg, once a spoil of war, had hatched after exposure to Zigana's scientific ministrations. Opting to contain, rather than kill it to refresh its millions-of-years cycle of rebirth, Slith consented to allow Haskor and the servants of Good to return at a later date and retrieve the errant creature. Haskor instructed the Targossians to prepare a grand ritual of phoenix song in order to engender trust in the creature, and promised to return some months later after exploring what pitfalls might lie ahead.
Glacian turned over and with it came the time for adventure. Leading Myrddin and Karalden along with a retinue of Targossian faithful, Haskor ventured first to Al Qalat and then to Adroushan as preparations were made. Prayer and purification came together to anoint the congregation, and into the treacherous depths they went, cheered on all the while by the maidens of Riverwall. Countless undead fell before Haskor's mace until, standing before Lord Kemnast once again, entry to the tunnels beneath Cor Kanth was granted.
Above all did the Greater Phoenix soar, confused and mistrustful in such unsuitable surrounds. Fire rained from its every wing beat, and it was only by the light of Haskor's silver aura that the mortals present were able to ford on through the labyrinth willed into existence by Order's errant manifestation. Battling past undead and hideous alchemical amalgamations, the group traversed the maze cautiously, encountering spirits of hope in need of healing. Only when restored did these apparations offer clues - riddles, structured phrases - to progress.
Five such challenges unravelled before the zeal of Haskor and the faithful, and each time a beam of light wove itself into existence until a bridge through the darkness at last formed. Crossing on faith alone, most made the crossing unscathed. Those few of haste and hurry found themselves cast back into the labyrinth of Cor Kanth. Once all were safely on the other side of the abyssal march, only a great bell remained.
One hundred times did clapper strike true, until at last the booming voice of the mighty instrument broke through to Fire. There flew the Phoenix, and there the real work began.
Raising first Fire in prayer, the Phoenix recoiled from these strangers, beings unknown daring to brandish thurible and shout and exhortation to its radiant glory. Ritual upon ritual of Light and Fire spilled forth from lips and hands, always reaching, ever pressuring, eternally pushing at a creature awoken into a cycle renewed yet absent guidance. Pillars of calescence descended upon the crowding outsiders, and only the divine might of Haskor was sufficient to even briefly restrain the radiant glory of a being old when Creation itself was yet young.
It was only in the ministration of ancient songs recalling long-departed companions in ancient, past cycles that the incandescent fury of the Greater Phoenix was first paused, then stilled by a curiosity spilling forth to outpace wrath. Given over finally to the understanding that the invasion of its sanctum was intended to be neither threat nor danger, the great firebird bent at last to the listening as the Targossian song swept on through chorus and refrain joined with the glorious baritone provided by the Self-Made master of the Arts.
Mortal voice could not truly replicate the song of the Blaze. Mortal voice could not forcibly direct the fury of the Blaze. Mortal voice could, however, in hymnal ode, offer suggestion to the Blaze: to seek that which it would never find in the Underworld's wastes. To seek kith and kin.
And in passage from the Terminus of Creation to the far expanse of the Outer Reaches and the great fortress of the Oibri Conlaodh, the Greater Phoenix found family, guide, and home once more.
~ ~ ~
Summary: Haskor's Trial of Righteousness took him to the Underworld where, alongside a retinue of faithful Targossians, a deadly maze was conquered and a Greater Phoenix returned home.
Penned by My hand on the 4th of Scarlatan, in the year 969 AF.
The Trials of Haskor, Part III: Deucalion
Written by: Anonymous
Date: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
After time spent in recovery from the encounter with Ghaunrothe, Haskor's next sojourn took him to Targossas. Navigating adoring fans in the form of Shornwall defenders, Lumarch Aeowynn (styled 'of the Holy Joust'), and even the upstanding Yen Stormcrow, the Self-Made laid out the task to come: to retrieve a Greater Phoenix egg from the Underworld. This egg, long-ago stolen by Zsarachnor, had been deprived from Targossian hands for centuries.
An initial foray into the Underworld and a visit to Cor Kanth led the Targossians first to Lord Kemnast, and then to King Slith. Negotiations, for lack of a better term, revealed that the egg, once a spoil of war, had hatched after exposure to Zigana's scientific ministrations. Opting to contain, rather than kill it to refresh its millions-of-years cycle of rebirth, Slith consented to allow Haskor and the servants of Good to return at a later date and retrieve the errant creature. Haskor instructed the Targossians to prepare a grand ritual of phoenix song in order to engender trust in the creature, and promised to return some months later after exploring what pitfalls might lie ahead.
Glacian turned over and with it came the time for adventure. Leading Myrddin and Karalden along with a retinue of Targossian faithful, Haskor ventured first to Al Qalat and then to Adroushan as preparations were made. Prayer and purification came together to anoint the congregation, and into the treacherous depths they went, cheered on all the while by the maidens of Riverwall. Countless undead fell before Haskor's mace until, standing before Lord Kemnast once again, entry to the tunnels beneath Cor Kanth was granted.
Above all did the Greater Phoenix soar, confused and mistrustful in such unsuitable surrounds. Fire rained from its every wing beat, and it was only by the light of Haskor's silver aura that the mortals present were able to ford on through the labyrinth willed into existence by Order's errant manifestation. Battling past undead and hideous alchemical amalgamations, the group traversed the maze cautiously, encountering spirits of hope in need of healing. Only when restored did these apparations offer clues - riddles, structured phrases - to progress.
Five such challenges unravelled before the zeal of Haskor and the faithful, and each time a beam of light wove itself into existence until a bridge through the darkness at last formed. Crossing on faith alone, most made the crossing unscathed. Those few of haste and hurry found themselves cast back into the labyrinth of Cor Kanth. Once all were safely on the other side of the abyssal march, only a great bell remained.
One hundred times did clapper strike true, until at last the booming voice of the mighty instrument broke through to Fire. There flew the Phoenix, and there the real work began.
Raising first Fire in prayer, the Phoenix recoiled from these strangers, beings unknown daring to brandish thurible and shout and exhortation to its radiant glory. Ritual upon ritual of Light and Fire spilled forth from lips and hands, always reaching, ever pressuring, eternally pushing at a creature awoken into a cycle renewed yet absent guidance. Pillars of calescence descended upon the crowding outsiders, and only the divine might of Haskor was sufficient to even briefly restrain the radiant glory of a being old when Creation itself was yet young.
It was only in the ministration of ancient songs recalling long-departed companions in ancient, past cycles that the incandescent fury of the Greater Phoenix was first paused, then stilled by a curiosity spilling forth to outpace wrath. Given over finally to the understanding that the invasion of its sanctum was intended to be neither threat nor danger, the great firebird bent at last to the listening as the Targossian song swept on through chorus and refrain joined with the glorious baritone provided by the Self-Made master of the Arts.
Mortal voice could not truly replicate the song of the Blaze. Mortal voice could not forcibly direct the fury of the Blaze. Mortal voice could, however, in hymnal ode, offer suggestion to the Blaze: to seek that which it would never find in the Underworld's wastes. To seek kith and kin.
And in passage from the Terminus of Creation to the far expanse of the Outer Reaches and the great fortress of the Oibri Conlaodh, the Greater Phoenix found family, guide, and home once more.
~ ~ ~
Summary: Haskor's Trial of Righteousness took him to the Underworld where, alongside a retinue of faithful Targossians, a deadly maze was conquered and a Greater Phoenix returned home.
Penned by My hand on the 4th of Scarlatan, in the year 969 AF.