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Events News Post #800

The Reflection's Requiem: Epilogue

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, July 21st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Victory swept through the lands, igniting celebrations filled with laughter and relief. As the people rejoiced, the air vibrated with music and joyful cheers, marking the end of Sapience's most recent dark chapter. Yet amid the festivities, some hearts remained heavy, weighed down by the more profound reflections of what had transpired.

As the days passed, the natural forces of snow, rain, and wind began their work, erasing the traces of battle from the mountainous terrain. The earth quietly absorbed the remnants of conflict, the blood, and the tears spilt as if the mountains themselves wished to forget the violence.

For those touched by the entity's untainted half, the aftermath felt like a sweeping away of evidence, an almost too thorough cleansing of a crime.

In moments of quiet, the Martyr's hand brushed against a cheek in fond memory as tears followed in the wake of tremendous hurt and trembling fingers.

Nearby, an oak tree held a vigil for a memory promised near a wishing well, the First Witness' eyes tracing the trajectory of a coin that tempted fate and won.

Within its quiet erasure lay the deepest sorrow: the profound tragedy of a being that had impacted so many, only to disappear as if it had never been, leaving behind a legacy tinged with sadness and a haunting sense of what might have been and would never be again.

Time would erode even that, and the entity known as Thiesekh would likely fade to little more than a passing footnote, save for within the quiet hearts of a select few.


Upon a forgotten landscape, an escaped hostage stands alone, his tattered ivory-white robes fluttering in the wind. He watches the sunset paint the sky with hues of despair and fading hope.

Turning away from the dimming light, he resolves himself to grim necessity as the roaring of the vatazhi approaches. With a determined gesture, he pierces his palm with a sharp object attached to a finger, setting into motion a silent, solemn act of defiance that would shape a people's destiny.


Summary: After a prolonged and gruelling conflict with Sapience and the celestial intervention of Valnurana, the Maiden of Dreams, peace and death found Thiesekh at last.

Penned by My hand on the 20th of Chronos, in the year 951 AF.

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Events News Post #800

The Reflection's Requiem: Epilogue

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, July 21st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Victory swept through the lands, igniting celebrations filled with laughter and relief. As the people rejoiced, the air vibrated with music and joyful cheers, marking the end of Sapience's most recent dark chapter. Yet amid the festivities, some hearts remained heavy, weighed down by the more profound reflections of what had transpired.

As the days passed, the natural forces of snow, rain, and wind began their work, erasing the traces of battle from the mountainous terrain. The earth quietly absorbed the remnants of conflict, the blood, and the tears spilt as if the mountains themselves wished to forget the violence.

For those touched by the entity's untainted half, the aftermath felt like a sweeping away of evidence, an almost too thorough cleansing of a crime.

In moments of quiet, the Martyr's hand brushed against a cheek in fond memory as tears followed in the wake of tremendous hurt and trembling fingers.

Nearby, an oak tree held a vigil for a memory promised near a wishing well, the First Witness' eyes tracing the trajectory of a coin that tempted fate and won.

Within its quiet erasure lay the deepest sorrow: the profound tragedy of a being that had impacted so many, only to disappear as if it had never been, leaving behind a legacy tinged with sadness and a haunting sense of what might have been and would never be again.

Time would erode even that, and the entity known as Thiesekh would likely fade to little more than a passing footnote, save for within the quiet hearts of a select few.


Upon a forgotten landscape, an escaped hostage stands alone, his tattered ivory-white robes fluttering in the wind. He watches the sunset paint the sky with hues of despair and fading hope.

Turning away from the dimming light, he resolves himself to grim necessity as the roaring of the vatazhi approaches. With a determined gesture, he pierces his palm with a sharp object attached to a finger, setting into motion a silent, solemn act of defiance that would shape a people's destiny.


Summary: After a prolonged and gruelling conflict with Sapience and the celestial intervention of Valnurana, the Maiden of Dreams, peace and death found Thiesekh at last.

Penned by My hand on the 20th of Chronos, in the year 951 AF.

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