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Events News Post #794

The Farthest Shore

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Black Pazuzu's remains were held by the Priestess of Life.

With accursed flesh secured, Cyrene and Targossas faced their next great challenge: finding the King of Undeath for parlay.

Though he had departed the domain of the Curator of Death, the Demise remained inaccessible to mortality. To reach him, a Cyrenian contingent decided to travel into his lands to speak to his most loyal retainer: Lord Kemnast, the first knight.

Kemnast possessed little interest in speaking to mortals and even less interest in helping them. Yet in loyalty to his King, the ancient warrior bestowed unto them a way to find Ugrach's son.

Pryla'ari studied the stone and its glyphs. Eventually came erudite verdict: Slith remained in the shadowy junction between Soulrealms and Undeath. Reaching him would be no small feat, for the death of the Endbringer meant reaching that land was more perilous and less clear than ever before.

Staunch in resolve, Cyrene and Targossas pressed forth. The Priestess of Life devised a ritual to draw from adventurers' life experiences, warding four young individuals for a journey into Death. Through her arts did she safeguard them from the thralldom that Death's Demise extracted from mortals, allowing them instead to step away from the current that they might find Slith.

Following the instructions of a grimoire once belonging to Qui'anar, those who remained alive guided the four souls through Undeath. At long last they came upon Slith.

Terms were voiced and an accord was proposed. If the adventurers honoured their pledge to see his longtime companion properly honoured, Death's Demise would withdraw the boundaries of his realm and cease to take their mortal souls in thrall.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: In the year 947 AF the adventurers Claes, Montesh, Ticca, and Thumpalos ventured where few mortal souls had ever tread and fewer still had returned. With the help of Pryla'ari, they were able to exit the channel drawing souls to Ugrach's realm and parlayed with Slith, King of Undeath.

Penned by My hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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Events News Post #794

The Farthest Shore

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Black Pazuzu's remains were held by the Priestess of Life.

With accursed flesh secured, Cyrene and Targossas faced their next great challenge: finding the King of Undeath for parlay.

Though he had departed the domain of the Curator of Death, the Demise remained inaccessible to mortality. To reach him, a Cyrenian contingent decided to travel into his lands to speak to his most loyal retainer: Lord Kemnast, the first knight.

Kemnast possessed little interest in speaking to mortals and even less interest in helping them. Yet in loyalty to his King, the ancient warrior bestowed unto them a way to find Ugrach's son.

Pryla'ari studied the stone and its glyphs. Eventually came erudite verdict: Slith remained in the shadowy junction between Soulrealms and Undeath. Reaching him would be no small feat, for the death of the Endbringer meant reaching that land was more perilous and less clear than ever before.

Staunch in resolve, Cyrene and Targossas pressed forth. The Priestess of Life devised a ritual to draw from adventurers' life experiences, warding four young individuals for a journey into Death. Through her arts did she safeguard them from the thralldom that Death's Demise extracted from mortals, allowing them instead to step away from the current that they might find Slith.

Following the instructions of a grimoire once belonging to Qui'anar, those who remained alive guided the four souls through Undeath. At long last they came upon Slith.

Terms were voiced and an accord was proposed. If the adventurers honoured their pledge to see his longtime companion properly honoured, Death's Demise would withdraw the boundaries of his realm and cease to take their mortal souls in thrall.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: In the year 947 AF the adventurers Claes, Montesh, Ticca, and Thumpalos ventured where few mortal souls had ever tread and fewer still had returned. With the help of Pryla'ari, they were able to exit the channel drawing souls to Ugrach's realm and parlayed with Slith, King of Undeath.

Penned by My hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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