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Events News Post #792

Wrath of a King

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Further than a world away, a King watched his friend fall. That great and untameable power had once made the Demon the greatest of predators; that talent for the hunt granted lordship over hordes so vast even Gods struggled to contain them.

Now, the ancient and Primordial Sky tore his friend's mighty wings from his back. The King watched his friend plummet to the ground. It was brutal. It was ugly.

It ended with a swing of the Warp Witch. The Divine Commander brought the honed edge down and split Black Pazuzu in half. Collecting the storied Protean relics from their fallen foe, the Pantheon withdrew in victory. They did not care for his friend. They cared only for Themselves and Their safety. They left the victim of Their rage to moulder and rot in Memory's ruins of old Shallam.

The world's eyes went with Them. But in the Underworld a seething fury burgeoned within Death's Demise. Royalty demanded better. His friend had altered the course of history. He had brought Gods to Their knees, and changed the very fate of the Pantheon. To ignore that, he could not countenance.

He would exact price from mortals who blindly followed Gods. Death's Demise knew His father had abandoned crown and throne with nary a care, casting them aside for slavery and servitude and scraps from Their table. He would not.

So things remained. Mortals died, and in the march of conquest so too did Undeath's legions swell.

But an idea was brought forth: to combat the excess of Undeath, Cyrene and Targossas would work with a Priestess of Life.

Making use of boons earned during the Reckoning that saw the Tsol'dasi Pryla'ari ascend to Yudhishthira's Conclave, these cities and mortals sought a way to bring thralldom to a halt. Or, if not a halt, then a turn to other worlds beyond their own. With the encouragement of Scarlatti, the Great Bard, and Deucalion, the Righteous Fire, these mortals resolved to act in the year 942 AF. They would see the damage being done by the Crown of the Underworld come to an end.

By any means necessary.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: In the year 942 AF, the cities of Targossas and Cyrene decided to use the boon owed to them by Pryla'ari, Priestess of Life to end the process of thralldom that saw fallen adventurers return as undead thralls.

Penned by My hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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Events News Post #792

Wrath of a King

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Further than a world away, a King watched his friend fall. That great and untameable power had once made the Demon the greatest of predators; that talent for the hunt granted lordship over hordes so vast even Gods struggled to contain them.

Now, the ancient and Primordial Sky tore his friend's mighty wings from his back. The King watched his friend plummet to the ground. It was brutal. It was ugly.

It ended with a swing of the Warp Witch. The Divine Commander brought the honed edge down and split Black Pazuzu in half. Collecting the storied Protean relics from their fallen foe, the Pantheon withdrew in victory. They did not care for his friend. They cared only for Themselves and Their safety. They left the victim of Their rage to moulder and rot in Memory's ruins of old Shallam.

The world's eyes went with Them. But in the Underworld a seething fury burgeoned within Death's Demise. Royalty demanded better. His friend had altered the course of history. He had brought Gods to Their knees, and changed the very fate of the Pantheon. To ignore that, he could not countenance.

He would exact price from mortals who blindly followed Gods. Death's Demise knew His father had abandoned crown and throne with nary a care, casting them aside for slavery and servitude and scraps from Their table. He would not.

So things remained. Mortals died, and in the march of conquest so too did Undeath's legions swell.

But an idea was brought forth: to combat the excess of Undeath, Cyrene and Targossas would work with a Priestess of Life.

Making use of boons earned during the Reckoning that saw the Tsol'dasi Pryla'ari ascend to Yudhishthira's Conclave, these cities and mortals sought a way to bring thralldom to a halt. Or, if not a halt, then a turn to other worlds beyond their own. With the encouragement of Scarlatti, the Great Bard, and Deucalion, the Righteous Fire, these mortals resolved to act in the year 942 AF. They would see the damage being done by the Crown of the Underworld come to an end.

By any means necessary.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary: In the year 942 AF, the cities of Targossas and Cyrene decided to use the boon owed to them by Pryla'ari, Priestess of Life to end the process of thralldom that saw fallen adventurers return as undead thralls.

Penned by My hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 949 AF.

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