Achaean News
Written by: The Achaean Coder Team
Date: Friday, March 28th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
It is Friday, the 28th of March, and the following changes have been implemented:
- The Combat Queue cooldown associated with entering a match has been lowered from 15 minutes to a randomised cooldown between 5 and 10 minutes.
- CONFIG WAITFORENTOURAGE has been added - this will cancel your movement if any entourage member is currently unable to follow, provided they are not shadowing you. We promise bees cannot force this setting upon you.
- Rejoice, CONFIG SHOWXPDROPS will now permit you to see exactly how much experience a white feathered goose gains upon slaying you! (Or how much experience you gain or lose from anything that grants or takes experience, but that's a minor detail.)
- Note for CONFIG SHOWXPDROPS : this requires the vision ability INNERSIGHT, and will also show an extra decimal on SCORE/SHOW EXPERIENCE/...
Published by my decree on the 21st of Chronos, in the year 971 AF.
Written by: The Achaean Coder Team
Date: Friday, March 28th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
It is Friday, the 28th of March, and the following changes have been implemented:
- The Combat Queue cooldown associated with entering a match has been lowered from 15 minutes to a randomised cooldown between 5 and 10 minutes.
- CONFIG WAITFORENTOURAGE has been added - this will cancel your movement if any entourage member is currently unable to follow, provided they are not shadowing you. We promise bees cannot force this setting upon you.
- Rejoice, CONFIG SHOWXPDROPS will now permit you to see exactly how much experience a white feathered goose gains upon slaying you! (Or how much experience you gain or lose from anything that grants or takes experience, but that's a minor detail.)
- Note for CONFIG SHOWXPDROPS : this requires the vision ability INNERSIGHT, and will also show an extra decimal on SCORE/SHOW EXPERIENCE/...
Published by my decree on the 21st of Chronos, in the year 971 AF.