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Announce News Post #5606

The Championship Games!

Written by: Nicola
Date: Friday, September 6th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The time is upon us.

The winner of the Championship Games will claim the Staff of Nicator, stewardship of the Keep at Nicator's Crossing, and 2000 credits!

To be the winner you need to score the most Championship Points across the Championship Games that are scheduled for the duration of September.

1st place in an event wins 200 credits and 7 Championship points
2nd place in an event wins 175 credits and 5 Championship points
3rd place in an event wins 150 credits and 4 Championship points
4th place in an event wins 125 credits and 3 Championship points
5th place in an event wins 100 credits and 2 Championship points
6th place in an event wins 75 credits and 1 Championship points
- In the Riddle points and credits are awarded to the leader of the group.
- In the Race around the World points and credits are awarded to the captain of the ship.

Anyone who earns Championship points during September will also earn a commemorative medallion, awarded at the end after the closing ceremony.

You can use the LEADERBOARD commands to see the points and rankings.

LEADERBOARD or LDB - the overall Championship points.
LDB EVENTS - the events list.
LDB <event> - the rankings in a completed event.

Tomorrow we begin with the Race Around the World, followed shortly after by the Worldgames Extravaganza. See UPCOMING for all of the event times.

See the following help files for details on each event:

See also CHAMPFAQ for questions and answers specific to the Championship Games.

Penned by My hand on the 6th of Lupar, in the year 955 AF.

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Announce News Post #5606

The Championship Games!

Written by: Nicola
Date: Friday, September 6th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The time is upon us.

The winner of the Championship Games will claim the Staff of Nicator, stewardship of the Keep at Nicator's Crossing, and 2000 credits!

To be the winner you need to score the most Championship Points across the Championship Games that are scheduled for the duration of September.

1st place in an event wins 200 credits and 7 Championship points
2nd place in an event wins 175 credits and 5 Championship points
3rd place in an event wins 150 credits and 4 Championship points
4th place in an event wins 125 credits and 3 Championship points
5th place in an event wins 100 credits and 2 Championship points
6th place in an event wins 75 credits and 1 Championship points
- In the Riddle points and credits are awarded to the leader of the group.
- In the Race around the World points and credits are awarded to the captain of the ship.

Anyone who earns Championship points during September will also earn a commemorative medallion, awarded at the end after the closing ceremony.

You can use the LEADERBOARD commands to see the points and rankings.

LEADERBOARD or LDB - the overall Championship points.
LDB EVENTS - the events list.
LDB <event> - the rankings in a completed event.

Tomorrow we begin with the Race Around the World, followed shortly after by the Worldgames Extravaganza. See UPCOMING for all of the event times.

See the following help files for details on each event:

See also CHAMPFAQ for questions and answers specific to the Championship Games.

Penned by My hand on the 6th of Lupar, in the year 955 AF.

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