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Announce News Post #5599

Championship Games - September Schedule.

Written by: Nicola
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

In order to try and give you all as much notice as possible, the schedule for the September games is now on UPCOMING.

All games will take place on weekends, and we will be aiming to have rules/clarifications for each weekend's games posted by the Wednesday prior at the latest. This should allow a few days for queries via CHAMPFAQ where needed.

~ ~ ~

The Race will be a shiprace only.

Worldgames will retain the format of previous, Championship Foozle, PK+sharing Egghunt, and winner's choice Bandersnatch.

Riddles will be the group riddle format as is.

XP event will be 2x 48 hour windows split across two weekends in which to get your 6 hours of XP.

Twins will be the Twins we all know and love.

~ ~ ~

7th - Race 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)
7th - Worldgames 8pm Gametime (4pm EST, 9pm UK)
8th - Riddle 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)

14th - XP begins Serenade Gametime (8pm EST 1am UK)
15th - XP ends 23:59 Gametime (7:59 pm EST 12:59 am UK)

21st - XP begins Serenade Gametime (8pm EST 1am UK)
22nd - XP ends 23:59 Gametime (7:59 pm EST 12:59 am UK)

28th - Twins 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)
29th - Ceremony 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)

The top six in each event will win credit prizes and Championship points.

The winner overall will claim the Staff of Nicator, the Keep at Nicator's Crossing, and 2000 unbound credits!

Penned by My hand on the 1st of Chronos, in the year 952 AF.

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Announce News Post #5599

Championship Games - September Schedule.

Written by: Nicola
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

In order to try and give you all as much notice as possible, the schedule for the September games is now on UPCOMING.

All games will take place on weekends, and we will be aiming to have rules/clarifications for each weekend's games posted by the Wednesday prior at the latest. This should allow a few days for queries via CHAMPFAQ where needed.

~ ~ ~

The Race will be a shiprace only.

Worldgames will retain the format of previous, Championship Foozle, PK+sharing Egghunt, and winner's choice Bandersnatch.

Riddles will be the group riddle format as is.

XP event will be 2x 48 hour windows split across two weekends in which to get your 6 hours of XP.

Twins will be the Twins we all know and love.

~ ~ ~

7th - Race 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)
7th - Worldgames 8pm Gametime (4pm EST, 9pm UK)
8th - Riddle 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)

14th - XP begins Serenade Gametime (8pm EST 1am UK)
15th - XP ends 23:59 Gametime (7:59 pm EST 12:59 am UK)

21st - XP begins Serenade Gametime (8pm EST 1am UK)
22nd - XP ends 23:59 Gametime (7:59 pm EST 12:59 am UK)

28th - Twins 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)
29th - Ceremony 5pm Gametime (1pm EST, 6pm UK)

The top six in each event will win credit prizes and Championship points.

The winner overall will claim the Staff of Nicator, the Keep at Nicator's Crossing, and 2000 unbound credits!

Penned by My hand on the 1st of Chronos, in the year 952 AF.

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