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Announce News Post #5590

Championship games: going forward.

Written by: Makarios, the Meticulous
Date: Saturday, July 27th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

In an attempt to keep a more coherent ruleset going forward in relation to the Championship games, we've just implemented an faq based system for the events in question. This should be considered your primary authority upon all matters concerning such, and all questions about specifics should go through that system going forward. Here is how it works:

CHAMPFAQ LIST [event type]: see what questions are in the system. You can filter on event type, otherwise all questions are shown.

CHAMPFAQ SHOW <question number>: show details about a question.

CHAMPFAQ ASK <event type: Ask a question about a given event or the games in general. If possible, be specific. If your question only applies to twins, ask about twins.

CHAMPFAQ WATCH <question number>: if you're curious about a questions resolution, you can watch it. You'll then be messaged when its answered (by default, only the asker will be messaged otherwise). Questions you are watching for are marked on CHAMPFAQ LIST to indicate this.

CHAMPFAQ UNWATCH <question number>: self explanatory.

Questions will remain in the system indefinitely and any further updates to their answers will be reflected to anyone who continue to watch them. Event types are: RACE, RIDDLES, TWINS, XPEVENT, and WORLDGAMES. You may only have up to ten unanswered questions in the system at a given time.

Naturally, abuse of this system will result in the loss of the ability to use it at the minimum.

Penned by My hand on the 6th of Scarlatan, in the year 952 AF.

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Announce News Post #5590

Championship games: going forward.

Written by: Makarios, the Meticulous
Date: Saturday, July 27th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

In an attempt to keep a more coherent ruleset going forward in relation to the Championship games, we've just implemented an faq based system for the events in question. This should be considered your primary authority upon all matters concerning such, and all questions about specifics should go through that system going forward. Here is how it works:

CHAMPFAQ LIST [event type]: see what questions are in the system. You can filter on event type, otherwise all questions are shown.

CHAMPFAQ SHOW <question number>: show details about a question.

CHAMPFAQ ASK <event type: Ask a question about a given event or the games in general. If possible, be specific. If your question only applies to twins, ask about twins.

CHAMPFAQ WATCH <question number>: if you're curious about a questions resolution, you can watch it. You'll then be messaged when its answered (by default, only the asker will be messaged otherwise). Questions you are watching for are marked on CHAMPFAQ LIST to indicate this.

CHAMPFAQ UNWATCH <question number>: self explanatory.

Questions will remain in the system indefinitely and any further updates to their answers will be reflected to anyone who continue to watch them. Event types are: RACE, RIDDLES, TWINS, XPEVENT, and WORLDGAMES. You may only have up to ten unanswered questions in the system at a given time.

Naturally, abuse of this system will result in the loss of the ability to use it at the minimum.

Penned by My hand on the 6th of Scarlatan, in the year 952 AF.

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