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Announce News Post #2884

Delosian Tailors Union Costume Contest

Written by: Amarisse, the Crafting Guild Secretary
Date: Thursday, October 16th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone


The Delosian Tailors Union is sponsoring a costume design contest for
this upcoming Mayaween, open to all, tailors and non-tailors alike.


~ Tier 1 prize: A permanent and resetting costume of the winning entry,
and the costume stocked for sale at the Festivities Annex. Multiple
people may win the Tier 1 prize.
~ Tier 2 prize: ONE of the winning entries from Tier 1 will win the Tier
2 prize. If the winner is NOT already a Tailor, he or she will win a
free tailoring license. If the winner is already a Tailor, he or she
will win a crafter's portfolio.

How To Enter
Design a full costume with APPEARANCE, DROPPED, and EXAMINED
descriptions. (See HELP TAILORING for an explanation of these terms, and
see the sample text below.) You may also include your concept for the
special effects when the costume is donned or removed, but this is not
necessary and will not be judged. BE SURE TO SIGN THE LETTER WITH YOUR

Once you have your letter, put it in the black box at the Delosian
Crafters Union in Delos. You may submit multiple entries, in one letter
or in separate letters.

Sample text:
Appearance: a Pixie Queen costume
Dropped: Light plays charmingly over a pair of iridescent wings peeping
out from this discarded Pixie Queen costume.
Examined: Light shimmers over the fabric of this gorgeous ensemble. A
periwinkle-blue dress enhanced with dozens of glittering beads make this
costume of the Pixie Queen shimmer and glow. Attached to the back of the
bodice, a pair of iridescent wings flutters charmingly from an
enchantment that has been cast upon it. A gilded crown of woven leaves
sits atop the thicket of curly scarlet silk threads that has been used
to mimic the Queen's lustrous hair. A small wand that appears to be as
fragile as spun sugar grants a touch of regal authenticity to the

What Not To Submit
No costumes of the Divine. Do not re-do a costume that already exists.
Check the Festivities Annex in New Thera for costumes currently on sale.
Currently discontinued costumes are also ineligible, and these are:
costumes of Blu, a phantom, Simbata, a dracolich, Grollum, a dream
horror, a skeleton, Epicurus, Jirken, a poharaehe, a Black Boar, a bone
golem, and a Zarathustran eagle.

Your deadline is the end of Lupar, 492 A.F, or until the submissions box
is removed from the Delosian Crafters Union.

Good luck!

Amarisse, the Crafting Guild Secretary

Penned by My hand on the 15th of Daedalan, in the year 492 AF.

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Announce News Post #2884

Delosian Tailors Union Costume Contest

Written by: Amarisse, the Crafting Guild Secretary
Date: Thursday, October 16th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone


The Delosian Tailors Union is sponsoring a costume design contest for
this upcoming Mayaween, open to all, tailors and non-tailors alike.


~ Tier 1 prize: A permanent and resetting costume of the winning entry,
and the costume stocked for sale at the Festivities Annex. Multiple
people may win the Tier 1 prize.
~ Tier 2 prize: ONE of the winning entries from Tier 1 will win the Tier
2 prize. If the winner is NOT already a Tailor, he or she will win a
free tailoring license. If the winner is already a Tailor, he or she
will win a crafter's portfolio.

How To Enter
Design a full costume with APPEARANCE, DROPPED, and EXAMINED
descriptions. (See HELP TAILORING for an explanation of these terms, and
see the sample text below.) You may also include your concept for the
special effects when the costume is donned or removed, but this is not
necessary and will not be judged. BE SURE TO SIGN THE LETTER WITH YOUR

Once you have your letter, put it in the black box at the Delosian
Crafters Union in Delos. You may submit multiple entries, in one letter
or in separate letters.

Sample text:
Appearance: a Pixie Queen costume
Dropped: Light plays charmingly over a pair of iridescent wings peeping
out from this discarded Pixie Queen costume.
Examined: Light shimmers over the fabric of this gorgeous ensemble. A
periwinkle-blue dress enhanced with dozens of glittering beads make this
costume of the Pixie Queen shimmer and glow. Attached to the back of the
bodice, a pair of iridescent wings flutters charmingly from an
enchantment that has been cast upon it. A gilded crown of woven leaves
sits atop the thicket of curly scarlet silk threads that has been used
to mimic the Queen's lustrous hair. A small wand that appears to be as
fragile as spun sugar grants a touch of regal authenticity to the

What Not To Submit
No costumes of the Divine. Do not re-do a costume that already exists.
Check the Festivities Annex in New Thera for costumes currently on sale.
Currently discontinued costumes are also ineligible, and these are:
costumes of Blu, a phantom, Simbata, a dracolich, Grollum, a dream
horror, a skeleton, Epicurus, Jirken, a poharaehe, a Black Boar, a bone
golem, and a Zarathustran eagle.

Your deadline is the end of Lupar, 492 A.F, or until the submissions box
is removed from the Delosian Crafters Union.

Good luck!

Amarisse, the Crafting Guild Secretary

Penned by My hand on the 15th of Daedalan, in the year 492 AF.

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